Ultrafast Particle and Laser Beam Labs

Four academics stood in the Lab 2 bunker

The Department operates three ultrafast (sub-picosecond) laser labs, one of which also incudes a ultrafast electron beams in a radiation shielded environment.

Through our involvement in the Cockcroft Institute for particle accelerators we are also major users of the femtosecond relativistic electron beam facility at Daresbury National Laboratory.

These facilities support research in ultrafast material science, in laser-driven particle (electron) acceleration, and in high-field non-linear optics.

We have two high-power ultrafast laser labs housed in the Lancaster Physics building.

Our facilities

Partner facilities

Key Contacts

Steven Jamison

Professor Steven Jamison

Professor in Novel Methods of Particle Acceleration

Accelerator Physics, Energy Lancaster

Rostislav Mikhaylovskiy

Accelerator Physics