ULT Labs

Ultra-Low Temperature facilities at Lancaster

An academic working on a ULT fridge

About our ULT Labs

The ULT facilities feature custom-made dilution refrigerators, built in-house with nuclear cooling stages. These allow us to cool materials and devices to some of the coldest temperatures ever measured on Earth. This enables our researchers to make ground-breaking discoveries about superfluids, produce purified helium-4, and study the ion transport in quantum fluids.

Our techniques


Our facilities

Key contacts

Viktor Tsepelin

Professor Viktor Tsepelin

Professor in Condensed Matter Physics

Low Temperature Physics, Quantum Technology Centre

+44 (0)1524 593757 A059, A - Floor, Physics Building
Edward Laird

Professor Edward Laird

Professor of Experimental Physics

Low Temperature Physics, Molecular Scale Electronics, Quantum Nanotechnology

+44 (0)1524 510831 A051, A - Floor, Physics Building
Dmitry Zmeev

Dr Dmitry Zmeev

Senior Lecturer and EPSRC Research Fellow

Low Temperature Physics

A055, A - Floor, Physics Building
Richard Haley

Professor Richard Haley

Professor of Low Temperature Physics

FST Sustainability Advisory Committee, Low Temperature Physics, Quantum Technology Centre

A061, A - Floor, Physics Building