Spin Out Companies

We encourage and support the formation of spin out companies using unique expertise and resources available within the University.

  • Quantum Base

    Quantum Base Ltd is a Lancaster University spin out company formed by Phillip Speed and Dr Robert Young, providing simple and practical security solutions using Quantum Security.

  • Quinas Technology

    Quinas Technology Ltd was co-founded in 2023 by James Ashforth-Pook (Chief Executive Officer) with Professor Manus Hayne (Chief Scientific Officer) and Dr Peter Hodgson (Chief Technical Officer) from Physics to commercialise ULTRARAM™ universal memory technology.

  • Lancaster Material Analysis

    Lancaster University spin out company Lancaster Material Analysis Ltd (LMA), based in Lancaster, offers commercial access to material analysis services, in particular scanning probe microscopy and cross-sectional imaging and analysis.

  • Lancaster Helium

    Lancaster Helium Ltd supplies the isotopically pure He-4 gas needed for a diversity of applications including coolant gas in a nuclear reactor, down-scattering medium for ultra-cold neutron (UCN) production. The He-4 isotopic purity achieved by our process is believed to be perfect.