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Partnerships and Business Engagement


REF2021 rated 98% of our research outputs as world-leading or internationally excellent, and 100% of our research environments as world-leading or internationally excellent.

We are a community of about 100 researchers and 90 students, with a strong culture of collaboration with commercial and non-commercial organisations, working to deliver innovative solutions to society's challenges based on the high-quality of our research and of our students.

  • Collaborative research
  • Access our facilities
  • Access our students
  • Spin-out companies

Our research

We have particular expertise in:

Our renowned researchers include particle physicists working at CERN, Fermilab and JPARC in Japan, quantum technologists working on quantum bits, liquid helium and graphene, biomedical physicists describing nonlinear phenomena in the human body, mathematical physicists studying the classical and quantum behaviour of matter and light, space and planetary physicists investigating the solar system's space-plasma environment using spacecraft such as NASA's Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan, and cosmologists chasing the origins of dark matter and mechanisms of inflation.

The Physics Department is also involved in several of the interdisciplinary centres at Lancaster University:

We are also a founding member of The Cockroft Institute, an international centre for Accelerator Science and Technology in the UK.

As well as our own body of work, we can help you access a unique broad mix of expertise from across the university to work on collaborative projects.

What our commercial partners say

"I was immediately impressed with the commitment of the team led by Professor Tony Krier, and a real understanding of the requirements of industrial led projects."
Dr Wyn Meredith, Commercial Director of CST

"The ability to partner with a world-class institution such as Lancaster and the benefits that bring, both in terms of cutting-edge facilities and A-class calibre people means that we have a real chance of building a great British company, capable of innovating and creating a real-world impact on a global scale."
Phillip Speed, Quantum Base

Meet the Team

Martin Gilmore

Martin Gilmore

Head of Partnerships and Business Engagement for Physical Sciences

B037, B - Floor, Science and Technology
Manus Hayne

Energy Lancaster, Materials Science Institute Member, Quantum Nanotechnology, Quantum Technology Centre

+44 (0)1524 593279 A035, A - Floor, Physics Building