Professor Janne Ruostekoski
Chair in Theoretical Condensed Matter PhysicsResearch Overview
- Quantum optics, cold atoms
- Cooperative phenomenology, light-matter interactions
- Photonics, Metamaterials
- Quantum technologies
- Topological properties of matter and light
News reports on recent research:
Atoms Might Hold the Key to Negative Refraction
Atomic arrays enable negative refraction, bypassing metamaterial limitations
Quantum whirlpools with tetrahedral symmetries
Fundamental particle modelled by beam of light
External Roles
EPSRC Physical Sciences Established Career Research Fellow
Divisional Associate Editor in Physical Review Letters 2016-2022
Editorial Board Member Physical Review A
Editorial Board Member New Journal of Physics
Institute of Physics (IoP) Joseph Thomson Medal and Prize 2024
PhD Supervision Interests
PhD projects available in all listed research areas
Harnessing quantum optical phenomena in cold atomic ensembles
01/10/2019 → 31/10/2027
Cooperative light propagation and spectroscopy with cold atoms
01/11/2017 → 30/04/2021
Condensed Matter Theory
Condensed Matter Theory
- Condensed Matter Theory