Dr Ali Ismael

Research Fellow

The Midlands Computational Chemistry meeting
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

International conference on electron-phonon coupling and thermoelectric efficiency
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Virtual Conference on Thermoelectrics 2020, European Chapter Organizing Committee
Invited talk

Virtual Conference on Thermoelectrics 2020, European Chapter Organizing Committee
Invited talk

Virtual Conference on Thermoelectrics 2020, European Chapter Organizing Committee
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Virtual Conference on Thermoelectrics 2020, European Chapter Organizing Committee
Invited talk

International Advanced Materials & Application. Virtual Conference 2020
Invited talk

International Advanced Materials & Application. Virtual Conference 2020
Invited talk

International Advanced Materials & Application. Virtual Conference 2020
Invited talk

International Advanced Materials & Application. Virtual Conference 2020
Invited talk

Mechanoresistive molecular junctions: contacts, denticity and through-space interactions. Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems International Conference 2020
Invited talk

Thermoelectrical Properties of Self-Assembled Molecular Scale Junction. International Conference on Molecular-Scale Charging and Thermal Transport
Invited talk

Tuning the Thermoelectric Performance of Aromatic Molecules. 708. WE-Heraeus-Seminar / Operando Surface Science – Atomistic Insights into Electrified Solid/liquid Interfaces
Invited talk

Thermoelectrical properties of self-assembled molecular-scale junctions. Molecular-Scale Thermoelectricity Materials, Measurements and Modelling
Invited talk

Towards Molecular-Scale Sensing and Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting. Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer Eurotherm seminar No111
Invited talk

Quantum interference. 2018 CCP9 Young Researchers & Community Meeting
Invited talk

Quantum-Interference-Enhanced Thermoelectricity QuIET
Invited talk

Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting. EPSRC Thermoelectric Network UK, Edinburgh Meeting 7th
Invited talk

Sensing by crown-ether-based molecular junctions Mini-Conference
Invited talk

Quantum interference and heteroaromaticity of para- and meta-linked bridged biphenyl units in single molecular conductance measurements
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Thermoelectric and sensing properties of crown-ether-bridged anthraquinones
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

CCP9 Young Researchers Event
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

CCP9 Young Researchers Event
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Joint Workshop between the EC FP7 projects SYMONE and MOLESCO & 1st annual workshop of the project MOLESCO
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Hartree Centre Summer School Series 2014 consist of High-Performance Computing, Visualization, Big Data Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra in a Parallel World
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

DL_POLY / FIELD / MESO Training Workshop, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, SciTech Daresbury
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

International Symposium on Molecular Electronics
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

  • Energy Lancaster
  • Molecular Scale Electronics
  • Theory of Molecular-Scale Transport