Welcome to Lancaster Physics
I am proud to be head of one of the top physics departments both for physics education and research in the UK, as recognised in repeated assessments and league tables.
By putting aside preconceptions and analysing the world from a scientific viewpoint, physics furthers our understanding and can bring immense intellectual satisfaction. Based on our broad range of world-leading research, we provide flexible and engaging degrees that allow our students to experience the full fascination of the subject.
Through project work, extracurricular activities and an open-door policy, we offer a unique and inclusive study experience within a degree programme that is constantly evolving along with the frontiers of the discipline. This is supported by an institution that was awarded the highest rating, Gold, in the Teaching Excellence Framework, recognising outstanding teaching, an outstanding learning environment and its delivery of excellent employment outcomes for its students.
Whether by contributing to Nobel-prize winning research with colleagues at international facilities such as CERN and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, discovering new galaxies or setting low-temperature records, or by providing outreach events for the community, Lancaster University’s Department of Physics strives to play a significant positive role in science and society, and our students have many opportunities to be involved. I hope that this will be the beginning of your own rewarding journey leading to a deeper understanding of our world.
Professor Roger Jones
Head of Department