Aug 24 Pentland Centre Publications Newsflash
Authors who are Pentland Centre members have a hyperlink to their academic profile.
Burke, M.K., Pugh, R., Soetanto, D., Jack, S. et al. (2024) The engaged university delivering social innovation. The Journal of Technology Transfer.
Hamad, S., Lai, F., Shad, M. K., Shah, S. Q. A., Jan, A. A., & Ali, S. E. A. (2024). A reflection on the voluntary disclosure of sustainable development goals: The role of sustainability committee. Business Strategy & Development, 7(3), 1–16.
Lamine, W. Jack, S., Fayolle, A., Audretsch, D. (2024) De Gruyter Handbook of Digital Entrepreneurship, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
Noureldeen, E., Elsayed, M., Elamer, A.A. et al. (2024) Two-tier board characteristics and expanded audit reporting: Evidence from China. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 63, 195–235 (2024).
Owusu‐Kwarteng, A., Forson, C., Dada, O., Jack, S. (2024) A symbolic violence approach to gender inequality in academia, Gender, Work & Organization,
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