Biodiversity Scenario Guides for Business

The word future painted in white against a road which curves off into the distance.

Pentland Centre researchers are tracking the adoption of the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) guidance by corporations with a particular focus on the extent to which biodiversity scenarios are being used.

Biodiversity scenario development is recommended within the TNFD and is a technique where hypothetical, but plausible, narratives of the future are developed for organisations to use to help them assess their exposure to nature-related risks and opportunities.

Scenario analysis is a longstanding business practice but applying this within the context of TNFD reporting has some novelty. In order to support business and their advisors, we have prepared a briefing note on corporate biodiversity scenarios. We developed both a short and a longer version on this topic and hope you will find it useful to inform your thinking and practice.

Please be in touch with Professor Jan Bebbington or Dr Neytullah Ciftci (contact details below) should you have any questions, observations or contributions you wish to make on this work.

Download the full report using the button below.

Scenario Analysis: A Primer (PDF)

More on Biodiversity Scenarios

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