Neil Ralph
Principal - Cartmel College, Senior Teaching FellowResearch Interests
- Coaching pedagogy
- Supervision as support to leader development and impact.
- Contemplative and reflexive approaches to leadership development.
- Decolonisation and awareness of bias in teaching, learning, assessment and feedback.
- Leadership development.
- Organisational development.
- Organisational change management - especially human factors in change.
- Executive coaching.
Current Teaching
International Masters Program for Managers (IMPM)
- Reflective Mindset
Masters in HR and Consulting:
- Consulting and Organizational Diagnosis
- Management of Organisational Change
- Rethinking Leadership
Masters in Business Administration:
- Core Capabilities
MSc Project Management, Lancaster
Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching, Lancaster
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Lancaster
Neil Ralph is Programme Director for the MSc in Information Technology, Management and Organisational Change (ITMOC) and the MA in Hospice Leadership. Neil is also academic lead for Degree Apprenticeship s at Lancaster.
Neil's passion is enabling individual and organisational change. His teaching focuses on the development of individuals as effective leaders in order that they deliver organisational impact. Neil has taught strategic change management on a range of postgraduate programmes, including the Msc in Project Management at the University of Santiago de Compostela and the MSc in Management at the GD Goenka World Institute, India. Neil adopts a critically reflective approach to teaching, learning and assessment including adoption of mindfulness and a reflective mindset. He is a member of The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education (ACMHE), which is a multidisciplinary academic association committed to the transformation of higher education through the recovery and development of the contemplative dimensions of teaching, learning and knowing.
Neil has been responsible the delivery of executive education programmes to a number of public & private sector organisations, including: Co-operative Financial Services; Northern Counties Housing Association; Hospice UK; and Airbus UK. This includes diagnostic interventions, solution design and delivery as well as full client management. His teaching includes engagement with external organisations to deliver consultancy projects.
Prior to joining MDD Neil worked in industry as a project manager delivering large-scale capital equipment projects in the UK, Europe and North America. His earlier professional experience includes the design, development and delivery of professional development programmes for managers and young professionals in the aerospace industry.
Neil holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching and has experience of coaching middle and senior managers and teams addressing individual and organisational development needs in addition to coaching postgraduate programme participants to support the embedding and application of learning to organisational problems. Neil is Special Adviser to the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.
Neil is a qualified HE lecturer and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He holds a Masters degree in Project Management and Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching from Lancaster University. He is a member of the Association for Project Management.
Research Overview
Coaching in the Classroom: considers the benefits to students and educators of drawing upon the processes, skills, and behaviours used by coaches and coach supervisors to create powerful learning environments.
Student Attendance: to investigate the underlying causes and factors influencing student decisions about attendance and non-attendance at in-person teaching and learning events. This research seeks to explore these dynamics to inform better educational strategies and policies.
Leadership Support Groups: drawing on existential principles and the ethos of authentic leadership this research examines the benefits of peer support groups for leaders in enabling individuals to lead with integrity, make ethically sound decisions, and create meaningful changes in their organisations and communities.
Selected Publications
Fostering Educational Partnerships
Ralph, N. 7/05/2024 In: Scholarship Matters. 1, 1, p. 8-9. 2 p.
Journal article
Less Hot Air, More Fresh Air
Hesketh, A., Ralph, N., Introna, L. 7/05/2024 In: Scholarship Matters. 1, 1, p. 14-15. 2 p.
Journal article
All Publications
Challenges and Choices in Student Attendance
01/12/2023 → 30/11/2024
Understanding Student Attendance Decisions: The Role of Learner-Centred Factors in Higher Education
Invited talk
OWT of This World: Organization, Work & Technology Research Seminar Series
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Business Education Scholarship & Teaching (BEST) network (External organisation)
Membership of board
Smart Learning: AI and Digital Technologies
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Lancaster Arts (External organisation)
Membership of board
Journal of Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education (Journal)
Editorial activity
Researchgate (Publisher)
Editorial activity
Thinking Strategically
SIME Summer Fest
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Lancaster University Education Conference
Participation in conference - Academic
Lancaster University Education Conference
Participation in conference - Academic
Lancaster University Education Conference (Journal)
Editorial activity
Developing Leadership Capacity Conference
Participation in conference - Academic
12th Chartered Association of Business Schools Conference on Learning, Teaching and Student Experience
Participation in conference - Academic
12th Chartered Association of Business Schools Conference on Learning, Teaching and Student Experience
Participation in conference - Academic
On Labour, Visibility and Identity: A Creative Gathering
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Developing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning workshop
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Evidence-based education: the value of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Participation in conference - Academic
Evidence-based education: the value of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Participation in conference - Academic
Embedding the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Postgraduate and Management Education
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Using Blogs and Social Media for Scholarship in Management Education
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Instagram in Economics modules: transformative impact of integrating social networks into learning
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
15th Developing Leadership Capacity Conference (DLCC)
Participation in conference - Academic
Business Education Scholarship & Teaching (BEST) network conversations
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Lancaster University Education Conference
Participation in conference - Academic
Scholarship Matters (Journal)
Editorial activity