Leonor Guedes Soares
PhD studentProfile
I am a PhD Candidate in Accounting at Lancaster University Management School. My research interests lie in the areas of narrative disclosure and corporate communication. I am particularly interested in studying how disclosure regulation shapes firm behavior and generates real effects that impact different stakeholder groups. My supervisors are Professor Steven Young and Dr. Mohamed Ghaly.
I have been a teaching assistant for two undergraduate courses: AcF100 Introduction to Accounting and Finance and AcF212 Principles of Financial Reporting; and two graduate courses: AcF400 Financial Databases and AcF403 Introduction to Accounting. In 2023 and 2024, I was awarded a teaching excellence certificate for my teaching evaluations.
Prior to joining the PhD, I attended Católica Porto Business School (Porto, Portugal), where I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Management and a Master’s degree in Finance.
I will be on the 2024-2025 Academic Job Market. My CV is available for download here.
Research Interests
Narrative Disclosure, Corporate Governance, Pay Transparency, ESG, Workplace Gender Equity
Accounting PhD Conference
Participation in conference - Academic
Labour Party Conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
EAA Annual Congress
Participation in conference - Academic
EAA Doctoral Colloquium
Participation in conference - Academic
Christmas Workshop in Accounting & Finance
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Financial Reporting and Business Communication (FRBC) Conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Academic Writing Workshop
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
AMBS Doctoral Research Conference
Participation in conference - Academic
3rd Joint LUMS TSM WHU PhD Workshop
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
GRUDIS Conference and Doctoral Colloquium
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
GRUDIS Doctoral Students Meeting
Participation in conference - Academic
Teaching Excellence Certificate
Prize (including medals and awards)