Pendle exterior

Senior Members

Find out what's going on in Pendle SCR

All members of staff at Lancaster University are members of one of the nine Colleges. There are numerous ways in which you can get involved.

Staff are able to apply to become members of the College Advisor Team (CAT), Dean, Senior Advisor, Assistant Senior Advisor, CAT members or even Principal. All Senior Common Room roles report to the Principal and Pendle College Syndicate. You can also join in our many activities for staff that we hold throughout term.

The College Manager is Luke Gacesa. Luke has been working in Pendle College since 2019, and has previously worked in the Finance department, and held roles in Grizedale College Welfare team prior to this including the position of Senior Advisor.

Our bar has been recently refurbished and is a comfortable and relaxing space to use during lunch times and for meetings away from the office - please feel free to use this space and make the most of the lovely coffee and cakes available from the cafe bar!

Book with pages spread

Book Club

The Pendle SCR Book Club meets regularly to discuss all manner of books from across the literary genres, suggested by our SCR members.

Over the last year we have read a wide range of books, including The Dry by Jane Harper, The Body Lies by Jo Baker and The Party by Elizabeth Day. We always welcome new members, and enjoy a monthly catch up over tea and biscuits discussing our latest reads!

For more details, join our Book Club Facebook group or join the chat in TEAMS at book club

In addition to the SCR book club, Pendle College also has a free book swap!

In the College bar there is a bookcase full of books - please help yourself - we also really welcome any donations!

Inter-college SCR quiz winners

Staff Quiz

After the fantastic success of the quiz over the last two years, the colleges will run another Inter-College Staff Quiz throughout Michaelmas Term. The questions are ‘pub quiz’ level (not University Challenge level!), and teams will be able to confer with each other to help enhance a sense of team spirit and college pride. It is envisaged that the quiz will take place from week 2 to week 10, every Wednesday, between 12.30-1.30pm in college spaces around campus. You do not need to be available every week as the College Office will organise a rota.

If you’re interested in joining the team, and would like to put yourself forward for a few rounds (or all of them!) just email the College Office.