Pendle activities collage

College Life

Welcome Week

Welcome Week is an amazing opportunity for Pendle students to settle into our College community and join in with the many events and activities organised by our JCR.

Recent events have included:

  • Murder Mystery evening
  • Sports Day and BBQ
  • Basement party
  • Film Night
  • Pendle Quiz
  • Trips to Lancaster Castle
  • Welfare breakfast
  • Games night
  • Woodland Trail walks

If that's not enough for you, then in January the University holds a Refreshers Fair. You can start the new year by refreshing yourself with all the fantastic opportunities available to you here at Lancaster University! The event highlights the many activities, societies and groups at the University, and is another great opportunity to be social, meet people and get involved with University life.

Pendle students walking through Spine

Sustainability challenge

We have recently had success in the Sustainability Challenge, and have won two years in a row in recent times!

Delivered in partnership with Green Lancaster and the Student Union, the Sustainability Challenge offers you a chance to help Lancaster University innovate on the environmental sustainability agenda, as well as an experience that will give you new skills and impress future employers.

Within your college team, you will be presented with the various challenges the university faces concerning environmental sustainability and asked to come up with innovative ideas and solutions. As a team, you will need to collaborate and access the expertise of the network of academics, professional service staff and students across the University to develop your idea. At the final, your ideas are pitched to a panel of experts.

Sustainability Challenge team 2020
Inter-college quiz team

Inter-College Quiz

Each year, the eight Undergraduate Colleges compete in a University Challenge style quiz. Questions are set by academic staff from across the University, who usually also judge the various heats as well as the final in the spring.


Pendle College is Lancaster University’s indisputable music college. We have the best bar acoustics, the longest-running live music night on campus, our very own high-end AV equipment and strong relationships with the musical societies in and around campus – many of them were even founded by Pendle College members.

The College has a music room that currently has a drum kit, piano, electronic keyboard and a range of guitars. Pendle students can book this space to practice playing, and it has led to the formation of several College bands.

We also have the fantastic quad space in front of the bar which, when paired with acts overlooking it on the balcony, makes it a dream venue for any aspiring band or DJ.

Pendle Live, a performance taking place.
International buddies outside the Pendle Rooms

International Buddies

Adjusting to a new cultural environment can be exciting and challenging. New international students often have a lot of questions and concerns during their first weeks on campus. Pendle’s International Buddies are a team of undergraduate Pendle students who volunteer to contract new students prior to arrival and meet up with them during Welcome Week to ease the transition to Lancaster’s campus life. Anyone interested in becoming a buddy should contact the College office for more details.

Debating team

Inter-College Debating Competition

The Intercollegiate Debating Competition is a great way for first year undergraduates to improve your skills in debating, researching and public speaking. The winning team receives gift vouchers and the famous College Debating Mace.

Charities Challenge Team

Charities Challenge

The Charities Challenge is your chance to help raise money and make a difference in the community. Each College enters a team who choose a charity to support and promote. The students involved gain valuable experience creating a variety of fundraising events such as car washing, bake sales, sports tournaments, skill auctions and there’s always some bright spark who gets sponsored for sitting in a bath of beans! The teams write up their experiences in a report and everyone comes together for a Charity Showcase where certificates are awarded by the University Provost.

Pendle football team

Sports Teams

The College has several sports teams that compete in College leagues over the first and second terms. Try-outs for Football and Netball are normally held during the first few weeks of term. Our table tennis team accepts players all year round. For the contact details of the various team captains please get in touch with the JCR Exec Sports Officers or the College Office.

Pendle bar sports

Pendle Cup

The Pendle Cup is a competition unique to Pendle in which all of our sports teams compete against each other across different sports, from football and netball to bar sports. We also have a team for those who want to take part but aren't already members of one of our teams. In conjunction with the Pendle Cup we also run the photographic competition with vouchers for the winning entries and a chance to show off their photography at the annual Sports Awards evening.

Clothes swap in the Pendle Rooms

Charity Clothes Swap

Every year, we hold a clothes swap in Pendle Rooms, raising money for local charities, St Johns Cancer Hospice and the Lancaster district Homeless Action Service. The event encourages students to donate unwanted items of clothing, which are then sold in a massive jumble sale to raise funds.

Warriors logo

Warriors and The Carter Shield

Warriors is an intense one-week summer sporting fixture. The Warriors Cup sees Pendle pitted against our super-competitive sporting rivals, Grizedale College.

The Carter Shield is played for every fortnight throughout the year. All nine colleges take part in a variety of sports including volleyball, rounders, dodgeball and tag-rugby. Each sport counts for a different number of points and the college with the most at the end of the year is awarded the Carter Shield. All members of the University are allowed to take part, so if you are interested in representing Pendle, contact the JCR sports reps to find out more.

Pendle Rooms pool table

George Wyatt Cup

The George Wyatt Cup is the most prestigious Lancaster University bar sporting prize you’ll encounter. In 2018 the College achieved the impressive honour of winning the George Wyatt Cup for five consecutive years! The competition normally takes place in terms one and two on Monday and Tuesday evenings, with each of our resident bars taking it in turns to host each week. Bar sports include darts, pool and dominoes.

Social Events

Social Events

Each year we run dozens of different social events across campus and in town to cater for all of our students. Recent examples include our Chinese New Year celebrations, open mic nights, pub quizzes, spa days and of course our annual Winter Ball. For the latest news and events, visit the Pendle College Facebook page.

JCR Exec

Junior Common Room Executive

JCR Executive is a group of elected students who organise social activities, run campaigns, and provides welfare and other support for its members. It also represents its members’ interests in the College and in Lancaster University Students’ Union (LUSU). It has its own constitution and elected officers. The JCR Exec run Welcome Week and recruit Fresher Reps. JCR Exec elections take place in November each year. Keep up to date with the Exec and their activities via Facebook.