This collection was maintained by CTI Music at Lancaster University in the UK, and is no longer maintained, though it remains online for archive reasons and because it was widely linked to. If you have linked to this page in the past, please amend your link to the new version.
The current version is maintained by CTI Music's successor, PALATINE.
Macintosh users - where software is archived by CTI it is in the form of a self-extracting archive (.sea) file which is then hqx encoded for Web download.
Aural - this is a link to Mark Grimshaw's page at Salford containing information and a downloadable DEMO COPY of Aural for the Atari
Auralia - this is a link to Rising Software's own pages containing information and a downloadable DEMO COPY (PC)
CASPAR .95 - PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE - Computer Assisted Software Project for Aural Skills Reinforcement for the Apple Macintosh by Erik Lund, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. CASPAR .95 is a set of Hypercard stacks that teach melodic and harmonic dictation. Instead of using the computer as an answer board, CASPAR acts a tutor, presenting many different kinds of information about melodies and progressions that the user may assimilate as part of their refining and developing a succesful dictation strategy. CASPAR runs on Hypercard 2.1 or 2.2, requires Midi Manager 2.x, and uses the HyperMidi Xmcd's developed by EarLevel Engineering which are included in the software. (Compressed file is 3.9M).
EarMaster - this is a link to MidiTec's own pages containing information and a downloadable TRIAL VERSION (PC)
Earobics - this is a link to Cope Media's own pages containing information and a downloadable 30 DAYS TRIAL VERSION (PC)
EarPower - this is a link to the Earpower (for PC) pages which themselves have more links out.
EarTest - FREE SOFTWARE - ear training program for IBM PC (with MIDI sound card and keyboard) by Brent Hugh. More or less designed according to the principles of David L. Burge's Perfect Pitch course, the basic idea is that each note has a certain 'pitch colour' that distinguishes it from all other pitches. It is largely a matter of practice to recognize the 'pitch colours' of all notes in all registers and on all instruments. The best way to practise is with a partner - in this case the computer. (Compressed file is 28K)
Brent Hugh also has a Web page devoted to the online version of EarTest
ETDrill 3.0 - this is a link to Indiana University School of Music's pages on ETDrill 3.0 for Windows. ETDrill includes aural drills on intervals, pitch patterns, melodies, chord types, and harmonic progressions. A downloadable DEMO COPY is available.
Harmonic Hearing - this is a link to the Musical Hearing pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPY for Mac. This is innovative software which emphasises the musical nature of aural training. There are two modules.
HearMaster - this is a link to eMagic's own pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPY for Mac.
Inner Hearing - this is a link to the Musical Hearing pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPIES for Mac and PC. This is innovative software which emphasises the musical nature of aural training. There are two modules.
Listen - this is a link to Imaja's own pages containing information and a downloadable DEMO COPY (Mac)
MacGAMUT - one of the oldest and best-established aural training systems for the Mac now has a Web site with downloadable fully-working demos. Well worth investigating. Cross-platform Mac/PCversion under development
Musica Theoria - online theory
MusicFUN & HarmonyFUN - COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE - DEMO COPIES - aural training for the Apple Macintosh. (Compressed file is 348K).
Music Lab - this is a link to Musicware's own pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPIES for PC (Mac version expected soon)
Music Lessons - this is a link to MiBAC Music Software's own pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPIES for Mac and PC
Musition - basic music theory software. This is a link to Rising Software's own pages containing information and a downloadable DEMO COPY (PC)
NoteWell - this is a link to Indiana University School of Music's pages on its On-Line Ear Training Programs. Please note that these are not available off the IU campus!
Perfect Pitch V1.0 - COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE - UNREGISTERED COPY - pitch training for IBM PC (needs microphone interface). Designed for vocalists and instrumentalists who need to see what they are singing or playing, the program records the sound and displays the note in real time. Key signatures can be selected for practice of scales etc. (Compressed file is 88K)
PET (Personal Ear Trainer) This is a link to Jana Software's own pages containing information and a downloadable DEMO COPY (PC)
Pitch Perfect - SHAREWARE - FULLY WORKING DEMO COPY - intonation training for the Apple Macintosh. The program plays 4-part chords and chorales with one or more parts out of tune. The user corrects the tuning of these parts with on-screen sliders. (Compressed file is 816K).
Play it by Ear - COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE - DEMO COPY - aural/keyboard training for IBM PC. (Compressed file is 128K)
Practica Musica - this is a link to Ars Nova's own pages containing information only (no demo) on Practica Musica (Mac)
Rhythmaticity - this is a link to Musicware's own pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPY for PC.
Rhythmic Hearing - this is a link to the Musical Hearing pages. Downloadable DEMO COPY COMING SOON
Rudiments 1.0 - this is a link to Treblis where you can download a free 30-day trial copy. Rudiments covers 98 lessons with 9 categories: Notation; Scales; Intervals; Triads; Cadences; Dominant 7ths; Time and Rhythm; Transpositions; Definitions. Each lesson contains several exercises increasing in difficulty. [entry added 22/1/2001]
Scala - Scala is a powerful software tool for experimentation with musical tunings, such as just intonation scales, equal and historical temperaments, microtonal and macrotonal scales, and non-Western scales. This is a link to Manuel Op de Coul's Web pages containing information and a downloadable copy of this FREE software for PC.
Sight Singing - this is a link to the Earpower pages which contains a downloadable demo copy of Sight Singingfor the PC.
Take Note - this is a link to Take Note Software's own pages containing information and a downloadable DEMO COPY of Take Note (PC)
Tune Up your Aural Skills - online aural training from Hofnote
VIMAS Singing Tutor - this is a link to the authors' pages containing information and a downloadable DEMO COPY for PC. The software checks what you sing (or play) against chosen reference notes.
Hyperprism Native PPC - COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE - DEMO COPY - Hyperprism is real-time sound effects processing software for audio and music sound design for the Apple Macintosh. This is the new Powermac native version, requiring no additional hardware. (Compressed file is 1.4M).
Hyperprism H-PPC Player - FREEWARE - audio file player for the Powermac (Plays AIFF or Sound Designer II formats, at all supported sample rates, with 8 and 16 bits resolutions). Other features are: Open Dialog, Reference Window, Windows Menu, Playback palette, Peak Meters palette, Faders palette, Time palette, Compatibility of Hyperprism-PPC and Digidesign audio hardware. (Compressed file is 303K).
Net Sessions Pro - software solution for musicians wanting to jam in real-time while separated by extreme distances. Net Sessions Pro allows musicians to exchange MIDI music either from external MIDI hardware or from third party sequencers "on the fly" over the Internet. this is a link to Full Tilt Design's own pages containing information and a downloadable FULLY FUNCTIONAL TRIAL VERSION.
Symbolic Composer music programming language for the Power Macintosh. This is a link to the commercial developers' pages, with downloadable demo.
Computer Music Software computer-generated links to archives, compiled by Jim Hurley.
Brendon Cassidy's (of CalArts) collected sites of PC programs for computer music - CSound, CSound helpers and other Music 5 derivatives, analysis/resynthesis, sound processors, sound generators, sound editors, utilities, etc.
Tom Erbe's (of CalArts) collected sites of Mac programs for computer music - CSound, CSound helpers and other Music 5 derivatives, analysis/resynthesis, sound processors, sound generators, sound editors, utilities, etc.
MIDI Mangler - (1990 version) from the ftp archive at Dartmouth College (in .sit.hqx format - compressed file is 4K).
ChordSymbol and CSTimes - this is a link to John Clevenger's pages which carry a pdf document containing font samples and ordering information for his music analysis fonts.
Composer's Mosaic - this is a link to Mark of the Unicorn's own pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPIES of version 1.5 for Mac 68K and PPC.
ConcertWare - this is a link to Jump! Products' own pages containing information and a downloadable DEMO COPY. Concertware is a 'cheap and cheerful' notation/sequencing package for Mac and Windows for 40 dollars.
Finale98 and Finale Allegro - this is a link to Coda Music's own pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPIES. Finale is one of the most established and widely-used notation systems in use in universities. Finale Allegro is the 'light' version.
Guido - this is a link to the Guido pages of the Salieri Project. Guido is a general-purpose language for score-level music representaion. It is not primarily intended as a notation package.
Lime (v2.15) - COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE - DEMO COPY of notation package for the Apple Macintosh (Compressed file is 644K). Version 4 is available direct from the authors at CERL, both for the Macintosh and for the PC running Windows.
Mozart v3.1 - SHAREWARE notation software for the IBM PC under Windows 3.1 by Dave Webber. (at the HENSA mirror of the Simtel Music archives).
Muse - SHAREWARE notation software for the IBM PC under Windows 95 or Windows NT (not Windows 3.1) by Laurie Griffiths. 30 days free trial.
Musicator - notation and sequencing software for the IBM PC under Windows up to Wind98 (NT).
Music Press - this is a link to Graphire's own pages containing information about this professional typesetting software for PC and Mac. No demo copies as far as we can tell.
Music Printer Plus - this is a link to Musicware's own pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPY for PC.
Muzika v.3.1 - SHAREWARE notation software for the IBM PC under Windows 3.1. (at the HENSA mirror of the Simtel Music archives)
Nightingale - this is a link to Musicware's own pages containing a link to information and downloadable DEMO COPY for Mac.
NoteAbility - this is a link to Opus 1 Music's web site containing information and downloadable DEMO COPY. This software is for NeXTStep computers and will only run on others if they can run the NeXTStep operating system.
Noteworthy (for Win 3.1) or Noteworthy (for Win 95)- SHAREWARE notation software for the IBM PC. (at the HENSA mirror of the Simtel Music archives)
NoteWriter - this is a link to Opus 1 Music's web site containing information and downloadable DEMO COPY for Mac.
OPUS 1.5 - this is a link to Sincrosoft's own pages containing information and downloadable DEMO COPY for Mac.
Personal Composer - COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE - DEMO COPY of notation package for Windows kindly supplied by Et Cetera Distribution, Rawtenstall, Lancs. (Compressed file is 1.1M).
Sibelius - this is a link to Sibelius's own pages. Sibelius is now available for the PC. It also has a plug-in allowing scores to be put on/read from Web pages. Lots of info at the Web site but no downloadable demo.
Songworks - this is a link to Ars Nova's own pages containing information about this software for Mac. [OK, so this shouldn't be in the 'downloadable software' pages - sorry!]
RealAudio - the RealAudio Player allows you to play RealAudio-encoded files (well, it would, wouldn't it?).
Resources for Music Theory Instruction compiled by Dr. Rodney C. Murrow, Northwestern Oklahoma State University.
University of Durham; Douglas Nunn's software links.
Harmony Central - lots more shareware and demo software, mostly commercial rather than academic.
HENSA - now mirrors the following public domain software archives:
Piano Parlor Software Links - a VERY useful page - and not just piano-related software
Music Shareware from HitSquad - over 1700 music software items available for download!
And here is a Catalogue of Notation Software for the Mac - with a searchable index on title, specifications, etc.
Page last updated: 19 May 2000