With the kind support of IBM UK in the provision of the videodisc player
Wednesday 6 December 1995, Lancaster University
1:00 Lunch
2:15 - 3:15 Demonstration of Peterson's students' work and of his new analysis software
3:15 - 4:15 Questions and discussion - a sharing of experience of teaching with multimedia
4:15 Tea & biscuits and depart
There will be an opportunity at the end of the seminar for anyone who is interested to see the work-in-progress at Lancaster of the Music TLTP software for Fundamental Theory and Romanticism, and also software for the easy development of analytical companions to CDs.
It will be difficult to buy lunch at normal campus eating places and so we are providing a quality buffet lunch for all participants, in addition to light refreshments at the start and end of the day. We are making a small charge for this and ask that you include the fee of £10 with your booking form. If you need an invoice in advance please get in touch with us as soon as possible.
It is essential that we have a clear idea of numbers beforehand and so we ask you to register for the seminar as soon as possible and by Monday 27 November AT THE LATEST.
Page last updated: 23 November 1995