Courseware for Music

Jointly presented by CTI Music, the TLTP Music Consortium and Goldsmiths College.

Date: Thursday 4 April 1996

Venue: Goldsmiths College, London

A Workshop at Goldsmiths College for all the London HEIs that teach Music.

This is to be a showcase of existing courseware, applications and tools for teaching for musicians and musicologists - it will not include notation software, sequencers or composition and performance languages.

Format: Brief introductions from Tony Aldridge (Goldsmiths), Michael Pengelly (TLTP Music Consortium courseware developer, Lancaster) and Lisa Whistlecroft (CTI Music) about the aims of the day - which is intended as an opportunity to address the following frequently heard cries:

The following TLTP Music Consortium authors may also be present to demonstrate their software and address question of implementation and integration into existing courses:

Page last updated: 4 March 1996