in Higher Education

Date: Thursday 14 November 1996

Time: 10.30 am to mid-afternoon

Venue: Barnsley College


  • Tour of the studios

  • Bob Davis An Introduction to HE Music at Barnsley College

  • Braham Hughes Overview of Barnsley's Music Technology Courses

  • Peter Birkby/Braham Hughes Assessing Composition in Popular music

  • David Collins Compositional Research, Creativity and Popular Music

  • Other speakers to offer contrasting methods and approaches used at other HE institutions - leading into

  • Open discussion on the teaching of popular music composition

    All composers, teacher of composition and postgraduate students are welcome.

    Please consider doing one of the following:

    1) Volunteer to be one of the speakers - offer us a different perspective; describe how you use similar facilities in a totally different way; talk about your totally different approach to the medium; whatever...

    2) Come along to exchange ideas on the day, without offering a stuctured talk...

    3) Come along on the day just to listen (you can always change your mind later if you want!)

    Please get in touch with us if you'd like any more information.

    Interested participants may find that they can claim travelling expenses from their University's Staff Development Fund.

    There is a nominal registration fee of 10 UK pounds per institution - just to ensure that we know how many people are coming!

    Please email us at CTImusic@lancaster.ac.uk if you are at all interested.


    Page last updated: 30 October 1996