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CTI Music: Musicus

Musicus l/ii - Contents

107. Anthony Pople: Computers in Context

113. David Burnand: Interactive Multimedia Music Education

125. Andrew Fenton: The Design of an Intelligent Tutoring System for Music

144. John Rahn, Richard Karpen, Craig Weston and Charles Hiestand: Using the 'LISP Kernel' Musical Environment

165. John Roeder: A Prolog Program for Music Segmentation

177. John Morehen: A Decade of Computer-Aided Musicology at the University of Nottingham

183 David Harold Cox: Computer Programming as Part of the University Music Curriculum

185. David Cooper: A Pascal MIDI Library for the Atari ST


189. Andrew Fenton: MacGAMUT: an Aural Training Package for the Apple Macintosh

195. PeterManning: J.Strawn(ed.), Digital Audio Engineering: An Anthology; Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology

201. Correspondence

206. Software Directory: issue 1/ii (Lisa Whistlecroft)

222. Conference Announcements

223. Material Submitted for Demonstration or Review

223. Index to Advertisers

223. Information for Contributors