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CTI Music : Links Out


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Musical Links

Other Interesting Pages for Music study

University Music Departments and Conservatoires - the definitive list provided by Royal Holloway, University of London.

Music Journals Online (13 so far - let us know of any we've missed!)

Muti-media electronic Library - Project PATRON electronic library project for music at Surrey University

Music Libraries on-line - electronic library project networking the libraries of music conservatoires.

Public Domain Music - a resource to help you find (and get the appropriate paperwork to use) music that is in the public domain.

Jobs in HE courtesy of NISS - note that Music is filed under 'Art and Design'! Try also jobs.ac.uk, and use 'SEARCH' under 'Music' (if you want to use the 'browse' functon, note that Music jobs can appear in either 'Creative Arts' or 'Humanities').

Commercial Pages

Less Specifically-Musical Links

Addresses and Links to 'all UK Universities' can be found in (at least) 3 places, one at Aston, a commercial one that also has links to extensive Public and Private Sector organisations, and a very pretty active map at Wolverhampton

Association of American University Presses - Combined online catalogue/book store

CLA - the Copyright Licencing Agency (and, on a similar theme, International Standard Recording Code - info from the IFPI)

COPAC - the new nationally accessible catalogue. Based at the University of Manchester, it provides unified access to the consolidated online catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland.

DeLiberations - The Electronic Libraries Project (eLib) pages. Well worth a visit.


Hyperjournal - homepage of the discussion list devoted exclusively to electronic journals, especially those which publish on the World Wide Web and are managed by academics

Mailbase - at Newcastle. The national service providing academic mailing lists

The NetSkills Project - at Newcastle. Training in all aspects of use of the Internet for teaching and learning.

Teaching in general using the Internet

Tutors and Guides to using WWW and the Internet themselves

UCoSDA - the Universities' and Colleges' Staff Development Agency

If you have any comments on these pages, please email us.


Page last updated: 14 Dec 1999