
Winter 1998

News of CTI

CTI Music is now coming towards the end of its ninth year of operation. In common with the rest of the CTI, we are currently being reviewed by the Funding Councils with a view to deciding our future after the summer of 1999, when the current tranche of funding ends. We have, over the past six months, taken part in a number of national CTI events: in October we presented a case study at the colloquium which was part of 'CTI Scotland'. In May we shall be presenting two study sessions during a similar event in Belfast.

We have recently been invited to draw up a proposal for future work, should funding be continued. More regional events are certainly planned, as is a Music 'strand' in the ALT-C conference in Bristol in 1999. The core of our work, of course, will continue to be to provide a support and information service to musicians and musicologists who are interested in using new learning technologies.

As a part of the review process, you may receive a questionnaire about the services we offer. We hope that, whatever you think of us, you will be able to help the review panel by answering their questions.

Lisa Whistlecroft

The FDTL projects in Music

Early in 1996, the Funding Councils announced that money would be made available, for which departments that had been rated 'Excellent' in the TQA exercise could bid. The money was to be used to develop good practice in their areas of expertise in order to assist and inspire academics in their discipline at large. The projects funded under this Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning have now been running for over a year and are making great progress.

This bulkier-than-usual issue of CTImusic News features articles about the FDTL projects whose main focus is Music or which have a significant contribution from the Music Department where the project is based. I am sure that you will find the reports interesting because they show how all music departments will be able to benefit from the products, services and expertise that they are developing.

We have reports from:

University of Hertfordshire - The Hertfordshire Integrated Learning Project (HILP)

University of Huddersfield - Computer Assisted Learning for Musical Awareness (CALMA)

University of Leeds - Leeds University Music in Education iNitiative (LUMEN)

Royal College of Music - Professional Integration Project

University of Salford - Assessment Strategies for Popular Music Performance (pop)

University of Southanpton - Performance Teachers' Staff Development Project

University of Ulster - Peer Learning in Music (PLIM)

CTImusic News is © 1998 CTImusic, Jennifer Barnes, Simon Baines, Cliona Doris, Marianne Hall, Michael Pengelly, Harriet Richmond, Claire Taylor-Jay, Lisa Whistlecroft. All rights reserved

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