
Summer 1996


All the software of interest to Music departments was written for IBM PCs running Windows and equipped with a sound card. You will also need a lot of disk space!

Musikalische Stimmungen

EASA 96 Award winner, developed by Erich Neuwirth of the Department of Statistics, Operational Research and Computer Methods at the University of Vienna.

This program examines the mathematics of different tuning systems and allows the student to hear the scales produced. Each scale is built up, note by note, from the theoretical basis of that particular system. The student may then experiment with the resulting scale.

The program is available by ftp from ftp.ccs.neu.edu/pub/people/neuwirth/. The files to download are either runstimm.zip (3.3 Mb) for the German version or tun1of4.exe (1.2 Mb), tun2of4.exe (1.3 Mb), tun3of4.exe (1.3 Mb) and tun4of4.exe (560 Kb) for a version in English. The decompressed files take up 10Mb of hard disk space.

Enquiries about the program should be addressed to the software author: Erich Neuwirth, Institüt für Statistik, Operations Research und Computerverfahren, Universität Wien, Universitätsstr. 5/9, A-1010, Wien, Austria.
e-mail: Erich.Neuwirth@univie.ac.at.

The Virtual Studio

EASA 96 Finalist, developed by Paul O'Leary, a postgraduate student of the Music Department of the University of Leeds.

This program is an interactive guide to recording studios and the equipment they contain, with particular emphasis on the function and use of the mixing desk. The program provides the user with a tour of studio work and allows them to reinforce their mixing skills using a simulated MIDI mixer. The decompressed files take up 8Mb of hard disk space.

Although developed as a part of the author's thesis, the program is now published within the Studio Techniques module from the TLTP Music Consortium and is available from them. Enquiries should be addressed to Deborah Birchall, TLTP Music Consortium, Music Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YW.
e-mail: TLTmusic@lancaster.ac.uk.

picture of Paul

Paul O'Leary receiving an EASA Finalist's certificate for his software The Virtual Studio

Iper Acustica

EASA 96 Finalist, developed by Sergio Morandi, a student at the Venice University Institute of Architecture.

This program is intended primarily for architecture students who will be working with sound. It allows the student to design rooms, choose surface materials and then explore the acoustics of their design. In addition, and of great value to generalist students and musicians, it offers a quantity of didactic material covering the history and phenomena of acoustics and psychoacoustics, and includes many sound examples. The program takes up 50Mb of hard disk space and is currently only available in Italian.

Enquiries about the program should be addressed to the software author: Sergio Morandi, Facoltà di Architettura di Venezia, via 4 Novembre, 26 1-24028 Ponte Nossa/BG, Italy.
e-mail: mrndsr01@cidoc.iuav.unive.it.

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More information about EASA 96 from ASI.

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