Eden Bear recommends Heysham

What better way to spend a day than a FREE day out to a lovely refurbished play area with beautiful view across Morecambe Bay. Eden bear enjoys playing on the new play equipment and even a play in the sand. You could even take a picnic!
Eden Bear is keen to say hello to the horses and Eden Bear agreed with us that it is fab to look over to the mountains and you may be lucky enough to see a rainbow over the Bay.
After a play on the park, all wrapped up with your coat on in case it rains, you could take a short walk along the Heysham Coast to visit St Patrick’s chapel and the Rock- cut graves. According to local legend, St Patrick came ashore here in the 5th century after being shipwrecked, and subsequently established a small chapel on the headland. Located just south of the chapel, the rock cut graves were cut from the sandstone headland. Look out for several that are body-shaped and have rock-cut sockets; these were possibly designed to hold wooden crosses. It's thought that the graves were created around the 11th century and were used for burying very high-status people. Take a moment to absorb the atmosphere of the area around you – it’s easy to feel transported back in time.