Join the Morecambe Bay Curriculum movement!
Sign up to become a member today!
Educators in early years, primary, secondary, alternative provision, special educational needs or further education are all welcome to join the Morecambe Bay Curriculum community!
With your help we can transform education by empowering young people to become the change-makers and innovators our planet needs.
Read more about the membership benefits and sign up below. The sign up form shouldn't take longer than 5-10 minutes to fill out.
This is a free membership open to every teacher working around Morecambe Bay. Our catchment includes; Barrow and Furness, Westmorland and Lonsdale, Morecambe and Lunesdale, Lancaster and Fleetwood and Wyre and Preston North.
If you are an academic and you are curious about how you might get involved with the MBC, please join our termly newsletter and we will be in touch with the latest news and how to get involved!

Join the Morecambe Bay Curriculum
Watch our video to learn more about the benefits of joining the Morecambe Bay Curriculum!
By signing up as an Educational member of the Morecambe Bay Curriculum you will receive:
- A regular newsletter full of opportunities and resources
- Access to the MBC Moodle: an online hub for the MBC where you will be able to join group discussions, access resources and share your own resources with the wider MBC community
- Invites to help grow the MBC through working groups, networking opportunities and MBC projects
- Access to free or subsidised events and CPD opportunities
- The option for your organisation to use the Morecambe Bay Curriculum logo on your resources and website
- The option to showcase your work by submitting stories to be featured on the MBC website as an example of best practice
In turn, we ask that all Educational members:
- Are committed to promoting Morecambe Bay, sustainability, health, community and economic wellbeing for young people and the wider community
- Engage with and share CPD events and networking meetings
- Share resources that you have developed on the MBC Moodle for other Educational members to use where you feel comfortable
- Commit to filling in a short annual review form or have a short call with the MBC team
- Commit to care-taking the MBC brand, including using the logo according to the brand guidelines and licensing agreement