
A composite graphic of a lung and a wind turbine

About MARS

MARS: Mathematics for AI in Real-world Systems, is a £22 million strategic investment that will rapidly expand research capability in the School of Mathematical Sciences. It has been funded by £13m from the Research England Expanding Excellence in England (E3) scheme and a further £9m from Lancaster University.  

MARS will transform research at the interface between dynamical systems modelling and machine learning. By developing a deeper understanding of the mathematics underpinning Artificial Intelligence (AI), MARS will improve its reliability, trustworthiness and effectiveness to solve real-world, hard problems.

Initially, MARS will focus on four key application areas: Cyber Security, Engineering, Environmental Science and Health. Working in close collaboration with academia, industry and government partners to enhance innovation, MARS will become a regional, national and international leader in next-generation mathematics research. 

MARS will deliver a fresh talent pipeline with new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and opportunities to support early career researchers. This investment in next-generation mathematicians will address a major skills gap in foundational mathematics for modern methods in real-world modelling.    

UKRI Research England and MARS logos