MARS: Mathematics for AI in Real-world Systems

Next-generation mathematics and AI for solving
real-world challenges

A composite graphic of a robot hand a chain

What is MARS?

MARS is a UK Centre for research and teaching in mathematics underpinning applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to real-world systems. MARS will:

  • Transform research at the interface between dynamical systems modelling and machine learning by developing a deeper understanding of the mathematics underpinning AI.
  • Integrate cutting-edge AI methods and approaches with applied mathematics to improve the reliability, trustworthiness and effectiveness of AI for tackling real-world, hard problems in Cyber Security, Engineering, Environmental Science, and Health.
  • Become a regional, national and international leader in next-generation mathematics, promoting partnerships to enhance innovation across academia, industry, and government.
  • Build a fresh talent pipeline to address the major skills gap in foundational mathematics for real-world modelling through the development of new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
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What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a set of powerful contemporary data technologies that are revolutionising our approach to many long-standing hard problems. Some of these problems are traditionally in the realm of human cognition (such as image and language processing), but many are scientific problems out of the range of human abilities (such as predicting molecular structure, virus evolution or cyber threat propagation).

AI raises big challenges in mathematics. To model real-world systems, applied mathematics has traditionally solved systems of equations that encode the laws of nature uncovered by science. Today, this approach can be combined with AI methods, taking advantage of large data sets where explicit ‘laws of nature’ may not be known.

MARS research application areas

MARS will bring expertise in the mathematics of machine learning and dynamical modelling to real-world application areas:

MARS jobs

Come and work with us! We’re recruiting academic, research and professional services staff from 2024-2026.

Keep an eye out for MARS vacancies on the Lancaster University job opportunities website:

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