Functor categories for groups - Elementary amenable totally disconnected locally compact groups 

10th January 2025, 12:30pm – 17:00pm, University of Lincoln (in person but streamed on Microsoft Teams). Local organiser: Simon Smith


The class of elementary amenable groups consists of groups built out of finite groups and abelian groups in a certain way. It generalises the soluble groups, providing an important class of groups where the behaviour is often known to be ‘nice’: for example, in this class, the conditions type FP_\infty, virtual type FP, virtual type F, and constructability are all equivalent. The class arose naturally, originally in the study of amenable groups, but also because it was the largest class of groups over which topological surgery techniques were known to work in dimension 4, and it remains the subject of active research today.

Recently, research has focused on the analogously defined class of elementary amenable totally disconnected locally compact (tdlc) groups, and it has become clear that some important properties still hold in this more general context. This should give an important source of (counter-)examples of properties for tdlc groups. The aim of this meeting is to exhibit what is known, and clarify future directions for research on these groups.

All talks will be held in person and will be streamed online over Microsoft Teams. All talks will be in room MB2603, Minerva Building, at the University of Lincoln.

For people attending in person, travel information and maps are available.

To register for the event or to receive the talk links, please email the organiser Simon Smith (

The FCG Research Group is supported by an LMS Joint Research Groups in the UK Scheme 3 grant. Limited funding is available for PhD students, allocated on a first come first served basis.

For UK-based mathematicians with caring duties, the LMS has a Caring Supplementary Grant scheme which allows participants of meetings like ours to apply for help covering caring costs.


The timetable is as follows, where all times are given in UK Time:

12:30-13:00: Arrival

13:10-14:10: Sofiya Yatsyna (Royal Holloway, University of London), Cohomological finiteness properties of tdlc groups

14:20-15:20: Ged Corob Cook (University of Lincoln), Finiteness conditions for elementary amenable tdlc groups

15:20-15:50: Tea and coffee

15:50-16:50: Brita Nucinkis (Royal Holloway, University of London), Topological Artin Groups
