Topics and Themes

Following on from our first successful workshop in 2023, we have identified the following as particular areas of interest to focus on in 2024. These topic areas aim to define topics that are of broad interest to environmental and ecological statisticians and quantitative scientists and may form the start of useful collaborations.

Statistics within the data science pipeline

Statisticians are increasingly working within an end-to-end data science pipeline that may involve complex tools at each stage, from data access to visualisation. Is there a requirement for statisticians and scientists to interact with other data science professionals to effectively analyse environmental and ecological data and how can effective partnerships be supported?

High dimensional data

Environmental and ecological data, particularly that derived from modern technologies such as DNA sequencing or remote sensors, can have a large number of potentially informative dimensions. A challenge for statisticians and scientists is to extract meaningful signals from high-dimensional data. Have new statistical approaches increased our ability to model this data? Where is more research needed?

AI and statistics

The use of AI in research and teaching has expanded hugely in the last few years, particularly with the development of large language models. How can environmental and ecological statisticians benefit from advances in AI? Where can AI learn from statistics?

Communicating statistics effectively

Communicating statistical concepts well is increasingly important and challenging as analyses become more complex. How can we learn from other disciplines to effectively communicate with stakeholders and the public? Is co-design important to enable impactful communication and how can this be integrated into quantitative research?

Invited speakers

