Our Programme
Wednesday 3rd July
Thursday 4th July
Venue: PSC LT
- 10.00-10.50: Ronalda Benjamin, “Positivity in Fredholm theory”
- 11.00-11.50: Maria Eugenia Celorrio Ramirez
- 12.10-13.00: James Smith, “Arens regularity and operator algebra structure of sequence algebras”
13:00-14:00: Lunch
Venue: Fylde LT1
- 14.00-14.50: Mohammad Hassen, “Some conjectures in spectral theory”
- 15.10-16.00: Yemon Choi
- Rest of the afternoon: Informal discussion of problems and collaboration
Friday 5th July
Venue: Fylde LT1
- 10.00-10.50: Matt Daws, “Modules, Morita equivalence, and linking algebras”
- 11.00-11.50: Antonio Acuaviva, "Minimality of the Calkin algebranorm on C(K)-spaces"
- 12.10-13.00: Francois Schulz, "Banach algebra mappings preserving the invertibility of differences"
13:00-14:00: Lunch
14:00- : Informal discussion of problems and collaboration (new or continued) in PSC B77 & 79.
Saturday 6th July
Morning: Collaboration (continued, optional)
Afternoon: Departure