Florence Nightingale Day 2022
Thursday 13th January, 10:00-15:00, Lancaster Management School (Lecture Theatre 1 and break-out rooms LT2/3)
- 09.30-10.00: Registration
- 10.00-10.05: Introduction
- 10.05-10.50: Talk 1 - Dr Raquel Coelho Simoes (Lancaster University), "Counting: Catalan numbers everywhere"
- Certain mathematical objects make a habit of occurring in many different contexts. One example is given by Catalan numbers, which appear in over a hundred different counting problems in combinatorics, as well as in graph theory, computer science and even sports events. In this talk we will discover Catalan numbers by exploring some of these problems, which may include triangulations of polygons, ballot papers and “noncrossing handshaking" at a party.
- 10.50-11.10: Refreshments
- 11.10-12.20: Maths quiz!
- 12.20-13.00: Lunch break
- 13.00-13.45: Talk 2 - Dr Jenny Wadsworth (Lancaster University), "What is a 1-in-1000 year flood anyway? The mathematics of extreme events"
- Following a very severe weather event, we often hear reports to the effect that this was, for example, a "once in a thousand year event". But given that we do not have reliable data collection stemming back to the middle ages, where do such figures come from? The answer is extreme value theory, a branch of probability and statistics dealing with rare events. I will give an overview of some of the key ideas of the theory of extremes, and how this allows us to estimate very rare event probabilities from the limited data available.
- 13.45-14.00: Results of the quiz and prizes; break
- 14.00-14.45: Talk 3 - Dr Danielle Bewsher (University of Central Lancashire),"What is a mathematician?"
- In this presentation, I will talk about what it is that makes a mathematician and how a broad range of people from different backgrounds can be mathematicians. I’ll also look at what mathematicians do, and how the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (one of the professional bodies for maths in the UK) can help you.
- 14.45-15.00: Closing comments, thank you gifts and feedback
- 15.00-15.30: Maths ramble (information stands and informal discussions)