27 January 2016
We invite applications for fully funded PhD positions in either Pure Mathematics or Statistics.

The Department has strong and vibrant research groups in Pure Mathematics and Statistics with close interaction between the groups. The research spectrum in Pure Mathematics spans areas of Algebra and Geometry, Analysis and Probability and Geometric Rigidity Theory. The research groups in Statistics focus on Modelling and Inference, Statistical Learning, Statistical Methods in Health and Social Science and Statistical Methods in Medicine, with strong emphasis on new methodological developments and its applications.

Further details on research areas can be found in the Research section.

Funding details

The department has a number of fully funded PhD studentships for UK and EU nationals. Funding for overseas students may be available but is limited.

Further funding opportunities for Statistics are available through the North West Doctoral Training Centre, which offers a PhD programme within the social statistics pathway. This DTC is a collaboration between Lancaster, Manchester and Liverpool universities and offers an excellent range of PhD programme pathways and training courses for students who are part of this innovative scheme. The competition for October 2016 entry is now open and the deadline for applications is the 1st February 2016. For details, please see the NWDTC How to Apply pages.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are expected to have a minimum of an upper-second class honours degree, or its equivalent, in Mathematics, Statistics, or a combination of the two. Preferably applicants should hold a MSci/MMath Mathematics or MSc in Statistics degrees, though exceptional BSc students will also be considered.

Application process

Interested applicants should use the online application form.


For informal enquiries or discussion on research topics, applicants are encouraged to contact the individual members of the department.

General enquiries can be made to the Postgraduate Coordinator, Jane Hall, or the Admission tutors in Mathematics, Prof. G. Elek, and Statistics, Dr J. Park.