Quarterly Forecasting Forum
Friday 1 December 2023, 12:30pm to 5:00pm
Event Details
Quarterly Forecasting Forum at Lancaster University
We are happy to announce the next quarterly forecasting meeting, hosted by Lancaster University and our own Ivan Svetunkov.
As usual this will be run in a hybrid format and registration is now open.
If you would like to present, please contact Ivan.
Location: Bailrigg, Lancaster, Lancaster University: Welcome Centre (location on campus map) LT2 A23 (google maps).
Registration link: [Eventbrite page]
12:30 - Arrival at the adjacent lobby
13:15 - Session 1: TBC
- Welcome
- Session 1
- Session 2
14:45 - Break
15:15 - Session 2: TBC
- Session 3
- Session 4
16:45 - Open discussion and planning for future QFFs
17:00 - Close
- All attendees are invited to go to another venue to continue the discussion and for a self-paid meal. Please indicate if you'll join for the meal when registering. Location and time TBC.
We have also secured the following two meetings for the QFFs in 2024.
- 9th February 2024 in Oxford at Somerville College, Oxford University, hosted by Dr Siddharth Arora
- April/May in Imperial College London, hosted by Professor Pierre Pinson (exact dates and venue TBC).
New Secretary joining the UK Chapter of the QFF committee: Dr Siddharth Arora of Oxford University, who is replacing Jethro Browell. Siddharth is a forecaster based at the University of Oxford, and his primary applications areas include emergency healthcare, telemedicine, and energy. A big thank you to Jethro for his contribution, and a big welcome to Siddharth!
Hybrid Energy Forecasting and Trading Competition: Forecasting production from wind and solar power plants, and making effective decisions under forecast uncertainty, are essential capabilities in low-carbon energy systems. This competition invites participants to develop state-of-the-art forecasting and energy trading techniques to accelerate the global transition to net-zero and to win a share of $21,000 in prize money. It aims to bridge the gap between academic and industry practice, introduce energy forecasting challenges to new communities, and promote energy analytics and data science education. The competition is organised by Dr Jethro Browell, details and registration can be found here.
IIF UK Travel Grants for Research Students: We're pleased to be able to offer travel grants to enable research students to attend QFF with the generous support of the International Institute of Forecasters. We encourage all students planning to attend a QFF to apply, and equally to propose a research presentation. Grants will cover travel and subsistence, with priority being given to student presenters. Application for a travel grant should be emailed to the chapter and comprise a title and abstract if you would like to present at QFF, a short (approx. 250 words) statement on the rationale for and expected benefit of attending the QFF, and a supporting letter from a supervisor.
About IIF UK Chapter: The UK Chapter of the International Institute of Forecasters was established in 2020. The main activity of this Chapter has been organising the “Quarterly Forecasting Forum” series of seminars, though it's scope is broadly to support forecasters in the UK. If you’d like to get involved, come along and meet us at ISF, contact us via (replying to this) email, or join our mailing list and LinkedIn (links below).
Management Science, Lancaster University
Ivan graduated from Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (SPbSUEF) in 2006 and defended the candidate dissertation in Economics in 2008. The thesis topic was "The Complex Variables Production Functions", which proposed a new type of production functions using complex numbers theory. After that, Ivan worked as a lecturer in Higher School of Economics, Saint-Petersburg and partially in SPbSUEF, teaching such courses as Microeconomics, Statistics, Econometrics, Financial Math
Contact Details
Name | Teresa Aldren |
Website |
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/quarterly-forecasting-forum-tickets-741468360827?aff=oddtdtcreator |