Improving forecasts through data markets

Wednesday 19 March 2025, 1:00pm to 2:00pm


LT2, George Fox

Open to

Postgraduates, Public, Staff


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Event Details

Pierre Pinson of Imperial College will present a seminar to the Management Science Department

Abstract: Data is like a raw diamond, whose value is to be realised through analytics. On the other side, analyst often hope to have more features and more data as input to their modelling and forecasting work. Data is becoming a commodity, though with very specific characteristics. We will then dive into various approaches to support and incentivise data sharing, from collaborative to market-based approaches. Over the last few years, we have proposed a number of market setups to purchase features (regression markets), labels (active learning markets) and forecasts (prediction markets – they already existed prior to our works, obviously!). Examples will be provided for energy-related applications, even though other areas with high potential (e.g., healthcare, IoT, etc.) will be discussed.


Professor Pierre Ponson

Imperial College

Contact Details

Name Gay Bentinck