Professor Vivien Hodgson
Emeritus ProfessorProfile
I am a professor of Networked Management Learning at Lancaster University Management School, UK. I was guest Obel Chair at e-Learning Lab, University of Aalborg, Denmark from 2012 - 2017 and I co-edited the Springer book series Researching Networked Learning until 2020. I stood down in 2012 as one of the founding co-chairs of the international bi-annual conference series on networked learning.
I led an across faculty initiative Lumsnet that supported and encouraged staff to develop innovative pedagogical designs and online spaces that critically use digital learning resources and tools across a range of Management School programmes and activities at UG and PG level between 2015 and 2020.
Research Overview
My research interests include research on students' experiences of learning and exploring the various initiatives taking place in management education and more widely with respect to more ‘open’ and collaborative critical pedagogical approaches supported by digital media and tools.
From 1999-2001 I co-ordinated with colleagues from Sheffield, Coventry and Glasgow, an ESRC seminar series on Understanding the Implications of Networked Learning for Higher Education. During the series we developed and launched a Networked e-learning manifesto for discussion. This is available at;
Research Grants
2003 - 2006 A DfES/Centre for Excellence in Leadership funded project to carry out research on the theory and practice of networked management learning for educational leaders.
2003 - 2006 Programme @lis: Alliance for the Information Society - an EU funded grant to the European Latin Americana Consortium (ELAC) project. This is with partners from Denmark, Spain and Latin America. The overall objective is to demonstrate and evaluate IST-based approaches that enable innovative and multilingual continuing professional education and learning in the field of Environmental Planning and Management within and between Latin American universities.
2004-2006 ENSeL (Engaging Networks for Sustainable E learning), European Commission funded E-Learning Programme project The aim of ENSEL is to disseminate e-learning principles within a network of SMEs (Small and Medium Size Enterprises). Lancaster and ‘EQUEL’ are partners in the project.
2002-2004 EQUEL (E-quality in e-learning) an CEC e-learning initiative project to develop a virtual centre for research and innovation in e-learning for higher education. The project involves 14 EUopean partners and focuses on 7 main themes/topics relevant to research and development of networked e-learning at the European level.
2000 –2002 Understanding the implications of Networked Learning for Higher Education, ESRC research seminar series with partners from Coventry, Glasgow and Sheffield Universities.
1999 –2001 Students Experience of Networked Learning; grant from the Joint Information and Systems Committee, HEFC to conduct field studies of the learners experience of Networked learning and to establish a National Advisory and Information Service On Networked Learning. Principle investigators Peter Goodyear and Christine Steeples from Educational Research plus myself.
BSc Birmingham, PhD Surrey
Leadership for Sustainability Learning Network for the North West
01/08/2009 → 01/07/2011
Networked Learning
01/02/2003 → …
Open Univ, Open University - UK (External organisation)
Membership of committee
Invited Seminar
Invited talk
Phenomenography Workshops
Invited talk
University of Southern Denmark
Visiting an external academic institution
Management Learning journal inaugural conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Educational Review (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Springer Networked Learning book series (Publisher)
Editorial activity
Aalborg University
Visiting an external academic institution
Society for Learning Analytics Research (SOLAR) (External organisation)
Membership of committee
Invited talk
Digital Education Review (Journal)
Editorial activity
Guest Speaker
Invited talk
Aalborg University
Visiting an external academic institution
Key Note
Invited talk
Management Learning (Journal)
Publication peer-review
International Journal of Management Reviews (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Academy of Management Learning and Education (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)
Visiting an external academic institution
Studies in Higher Education (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Management Learning (Journal)
Editorial activity
Higher Education (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Instructional Science (Journal)
Publication peer-review
International Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies (Journal)
Editorial activity
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Journal)
Editorial activity
Networked Learning Conference series
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Visiting Chair
- Networks, Knowledge and Strategy