Professor Vivien Hodgson

Emeritus Professor


I am a professor of Networked Management Learning at Lancaster University Management School, UK. I was guest Obel Chair at e-Learning Lab, University of Aalborg, Denmark from 2012 - 2017 and I co-edited the Springer book series Researching Networked Learning until 2020. I stood down in 2012 as one of the founding co-chairs of the international bi-annual conference series on networked learning.

I led an across faculty initiative Lumsnet that supported and encouraged staff to develop innovative pedagogical designs and online spaces that critically use digital learning resources and tools across a range of Management School programmes and activities at UG and PG level between 2015 and 2020.

Leadership for Sustainability Learning Network for the North West
01/08/2009 → 01/07/2011

Networked Learning
01/02/2003 → …

Open Univ, Open University - UK (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Invited Seminar
Invited talk

Phenomenography Workshops
Invited talk

University of Southern Denmark
Visiting an external academic institution

Management Learning journal inaugural conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Springer Networked Learning book series (Publisher)
Editorial activity

Educational Review (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Aalborg University
Visiting an external academic institution

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SOLAR) (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Invited talk

Guest Speaker
Invited talk

Digital Education Review (Journal)
Editorial activity

Aalborg University
Visiting an external academic institution

Key Note
Invited talk

Management Learning (Journal)
Publication peer-review

International Journal of Management Reviews (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Academy of Management Learning and Education (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Learning, Culture and Social Interaction (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)
Visiting an external academic institution

Studies in Higher Education (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Management Learning (Journal)
Editorial activity

Higher Education (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Instructional Science (Journal)
Publication peer-review

International Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies (Journal)
Editorial activity

Networked Learning Conference series
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Journal)
Editorial activity

Visiting Chair

  • Networks, Knowledge and Strategy