Professor Michael Reynolds
Emeritus ProfessorCurrent Research
Experience of tutors and students engaged in postgraduate education. Application of Critical Theory to Management Education.
Current Teaching
PhD, Durham
Research Interests
The design and application of experiential learning events with particular interest in illuminating differences between tutor intentions and students’ experiences with an emphasis on: (a) issues of control in experiential and self directed learning designs, and (b) the dimensions of experience-based approaches identified in the ways management teachers and management development professionals describe their understanding of these methods in practice. The application of group dynamics and social theory to educational design with particular interest in broadening the scope of educational analysis of such events to include social and political, as well as individual and psychological processes. Critical perspectives and management learning design. The application of critical perspectives to educational methodology. A critique of the individualism, practices of control and avoidance of difference implicit in participative methods, which could otherwise make an important contribution to a critically based pedagogy. Understanding the consequences for managers and management students of introducing a critical perspective.