Professor Lorenza Rossi

Chair in Macroeconomics

Research Overview

Lorenza Rossi is a Professor in Economics, Chair in Macroeconomics at Lancaster University. She was educated at University of Rome "Tor Vergata". She has held previous posts at the Catholic University of Milan and at the University of Pavia (now on leave). She has spent periods as a visitor to institutions in Canada (University of British Columbia), Spain (University of Pompeu Fabra), Germany (Goethe University and Christian Albrecht University) and Italy (EIEF -Einaudi Institut of Economics and Finance)

Professor Lorenza Rossi has published widely on theoretical issues in macroeconomics, monetary economics and firm dynamics, including papers in the Journal of Monetary Economics, the Economic Journal, the Journal of Money Credit and Banking, the European Economic Review, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, the Review of Economic Dynamics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Economic Letters.

Her research interests are on optimal monetary policy, DSGE models with financial market and labour market frictions, trend inflation, uncertainty, models with firm heteroegeneity and dynamics.

She is currently working with models with firm heterogeneity and dynamics to study the role of uncertainty and changes in inflation expectations at business cycle frequencies, but also structural changes in the labour share, capital intensity and productivity, that have affected the economy in the long-run.

Associate Editor: Journal of Macroeconomics and of the Italian Economic Journal

Member of the Scientific Commitee: Italian Parliamentary Budget Office, T2M, Macroeconomics Dynamics

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Selected Publications

Asymmetries in Monetary Policy
Benigno, P., Rossi, L. 30/11/2021 In: European Economic Review. 140
Journal article

The overshooting of firms’ destruction, banks and productivity shocks
Rossi, L. 30/04/2019 In: European Economic Review. 113, p. 136-155. 20 p.
Journal article

Are uncertainty shocks aggregate demand shocks?
Fasani, S., Rossi, L. 30/06/2018 In: Economics Letters. 167, p. 142-146. 5 p.
Journal article

Trend Inflation and Firms Price-Setting: Rotemberg Versus Calvo
Ascari, G., Rossi, L. 30/09/2012 In: Economic Journal. 122, 563, p. 1115-1141. 27 p.
Journal article

New-Keynesian Phillips curve with Bertrand competition and endogenous entry
Etro, F., Rossi, L. 28/02/2015 In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 51, p. 318-340. 23 p.
Journal article

Monetary Policy and Automatic Stabilizers: The Role of Progressive Taxation
Mattesini, F., Rossi, L. 31/08/2012 In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 44, 5, p. 825-862. 38 p.
Journal article

Optimal monetary policy in economies with dual labor markets
Mattesini, F., Rossi, L. 31/07/2009 In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 33, 7, p. 1469-1489. 21 p.
Journal article

Calvo vs. Rotemberg in a trend inflation world: An empirical investigation
Ascari, G., Castelnuovo, E., Rossi, L. 30/11/2011 In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 35, 11, p. 1852-1867. 16 p.
Journal article

Firms' endogenous entry and monopolistic banking in a DSGE model
La Croce, C., Rossi, L. 30/01/2018 In: Macroeconomic Dynamics. 22, 1, p. 153-171. 19 p.
Journal article

Firm Dynamics, Endogenous Markups, and the Labor Share of Income
Colciago, A., Rossi, L. 30/09/2015 In: Macroeconomic Dynamics. 19, 6, p. 1309-1331. 23 p.
Journal article

Temporal disaggregation of business dynamics: New evidence for U.S. economy
Rossi, L., Zanetti Chini, E. 30/09/2021 In: Journal of Macroeconomics. 69, 16 p.
Journal article

Determinacy analysis in high order dynamic systems: The case of nominal rigidities and limited asset market participation
Ascari, G., Colciago, A., Rossi, L. 31/10/2017 In: Economics Letters. 159, p. 82-87. 6 p.
Journal article

Inflation bias and markup shocks in a LAMP model with strategic interaction of monetary and fiscal policy
Albonico, A., Rossi, L. 30/06/2017 In: Journal of Macroeconomics. 52, p. 39-55. 17 p.
Journal article

Ascari, G., Colciago, A., Rossi, L. 30/04/2017 In: Economic Inquiry. 55, 2, p. 878-897. 20 p.
Journal article

Optimal monetary policy under Calvo pricing with Bertrand competition
Etro, F., Rossi, L. 30/09/2015 In: Journal of Macroeconomics. 45, p. 423-440. 18 p.
Journal article

Policy Games, Distributional Conflicts, and the Optimal Inflation
Albonico, A., Rossi, L. 30/09/2015 In: Macroeconomic Dynamics. 19, 6, p. 1261-1293. 33 p.
Journal article

Taylor rules, long-run growth and real uncertainty
Annicchiarico, B., Rossi, L. 31/08/2015 In: Economics Letters. 133, p. 31-34. 4 p.
Journal article

Optimal monetary policy in a New Keynesian model with endogenous growth
Annicchiarico, B., Rossi, L. 31/12/2013 In: Journal of Macroeconomics. 38, Part B, p. 274-285. 12 p.
Journal article

Union power, collective bargaining, and optimal monetary policy
Faia, E., Rossi, L. 31/01/2013 In: Economic Inquiry. 51, 1, p. 408-427. 20 p.
Journal article

Endogenous growth, monetary shocks and nominal rigidities
Annicchiarico, B., Pelloni, A., Rossi, L. 30/11/2011 In: Economics Letters. 113, 2, p. 103-107. 5 p.
Journal article

Real wage rigidities and disinflation dynamics: Calvo vs. Rotemberg pricing
Ascari, G., Rossi, L. 28/02/2011 In: Economics Letters. 110, 2, p. 126-131. 6 p.
Journal article

Monetary policy, rule-of-thumb consumers and external habits: A G7 comparison
Di Bartolomeo, G., Rossi, L., Tancioni, M. 2011 In: Applied Economics. 43, 21, p. 2721-2738. 18 p.
Journal article

Productivity shocks and optimal monetary policy in a unionized labor market economy
Mattesini, F., Rossi, L. 30/09/2008 In: Manchester School. 76, 5, p. 578-611. 34 p.
Journal article

Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy

Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy

  • Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
  • Economics Research Group
  • Macroeconomics and Financial Markets