Konstantinos Vasilopoulos
Visiting ResearcherWeb Links
Personal webpage: https://kvasilopoulos.netlify.com/
Research Overview
My research interests include theoretical and applied macroeconomics focused on the real estate markets. I examine the part of Commercial Real Estate in the economy and its interaction with the Housing market.
Research Interests
- Credit Frictions
- Real Estate Markets
- Time Series Econometrics
- Applied Macroeconomics
- Explosive Dynamics
Research Grants
- LUMS Studenship Award
Current Teaching
- Econ222: Intermediate Macroeconomics I
Supervised By
- Dr. Efthymios Pavlidis
- Dr. William Tayler
12th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
- Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
- Macroeconomics and Financial Markets