Dr Emre Tarim
Lecturer in Behavioural SciencesResearch Overview
My research is interdisciplinary as I focus on understanding human behaviour from behavioural and sociological perspectives in markets and marketing. Empirically, I focus on important societal issues mediated by markets and marketing such as sustainability and climate change, savings and investments, and migration. My research demonstrates how interdisciplinary research can help better understand the dynamics of stability and change in human behaviour in society, and how these insights can inform policy and practice to enhance individual and societal well-being.
PhD in Sociology, PGCert in Higher Education, MA with Distinction in International Relations, BA in International Relations, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Professional Role
Deputy Head of Engagement- Department of Marketing
PG Admissions Tutor - Department of Marketing
Departmental Ethics Officer- FASS-LUMS Research Ethics Committee
Research Seminar Coordinator - Department of Marketing
Current Teaching
MKTG 101 Introduction to Marketing (Lecturer on Pricing)
MKTG 301 Strategic Marketing (Module leader- Sabbatical cover)
MKTG 327, The Management of Marketing (Module leader)
MKTG 302 -Strategic Negotiations: Making Sustainable Deals (Lecturer on Heuristics and Prospect Theory in Negotiations; Seminar tutor)
MKTG 417 Ethics, Sustainability and Behaviours in Marketing Management (Module leader)
LICA 480 Environmental Crisis and Social Change (Co-lecturer and tutor on Risk, Disaster and Environmental Change)
Past teaching
MKTG 229 Routes to Market (Seminar tutor), MKTG 501 Markets (Module leader), FMBA502 Marketing (Module leader)
Research Grants
LUMS Impact Fund (£ 2,600)
LUMS Pump-Prime Fund ( £ 5,000)
King's College London Research Impact Fund (£ 4,000)
Career Details
Before Lancaster, I was a teaching fellow in Behavioural Finance at King's College London, a Crystal McMillan Fellow in Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, and a Swedish Institute Fellow at the Gothenburg Research Institute, Sweden. I also worked as a management consultant at Arama Search Consultancy in Istanbul.
PhD Supervision Interests
I am happy to supervise PhD projects on human cognition and behaviour in any marketing and market context, including financial markets and services marketing, energy markets (especially with a focus on energy transitions) and marketing at wholesale and retail markets, household savings and investment (especially with a focus on migrant households), and consumers and/or marketing professionals and their folk theories and practices in action. I am open to projects focussing on the UK and/or any other countries. Methodologically, I have expertise in ethnography, narrative methods, interviews, and corpus methods for analysing large textual datasets. I am happy to co-supervise projects using experiments and survey methods.
Journal article
The American spirit: The performativity of folk economics in global financial markets
Tarim, E., Gozluklu, A., Muradoglu, G. 30/11/2023 In: Environment and Planning A. 55, 8, p. 1906-1927. 22 p.
Organising Outside Organizations – Part II
Barbara, C., Raviola, E., Alcadipani da Silveira, R., Tarim, E. 1/06/2023 In: puntoOrg International Journal. 8, 2, 2 p.Organising Outside Organisations – Part I
Czarniawska, B., Miscione, G., Raviola, E., Alcadipani Da Silveira, R., Tarim, E. 2/01/2023 In: puntoOrg International Journal. 8, 1, 2 p.
CCI Roundtable Session on The Cost of Living Crisis
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Efficient Markets, Behavioural Finance and Sociology: A view from Borsa Istanbul
Invited talk
Lancaster Community Day
Best Qualitative Paper Award
Prize (including medals and awards)
- Centre for Consumption Insights
- Energy Lancaster
- Institute for Social Futures Fellow
- Pentland Centre