Dr Emre Tarim

Lecturer in Behavioural Sciences

Research Overview

My research is interdisciplinary as I focus on understanding human behaviour from behavioural and sociological perspectives in markets and marketing. Empirically, I focus on important societal issues mediated by markets and marketing such as sustainability and climate change, savings and investments, and migration. My research demonstrates how interdisciplinary research can help better understand the dynamics of stability and change in human behaviour in society, and how these insights can inform policy and practice to enhance individual and societal well-being.

Publications updated. Displaying 3 publications

CCI Roundtable Session on The Cost of Living Crisis
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Efficient Markets, Behavioural Finance and Sociology: A view from Borsa Istanbul
Invited talk

Lancaster Community Day

Best Qualitative Paper Award
Prize (including medals and awards)

  • Centre for Consumption Insights
  • Energy Lancaster
  • Institute for Social Futures Fellow
  • Pentland Centre