Professor Edward Truch
Emeritus ProfessorCurrent Research
Innovation in national parks and city green spaces, smart cities and societal innovation
Edward Truch specialises in strategic planning, smart technologies, public administration reform, knowledge management and innovation through technology in national parks and smart cities.
He is director of the Smart Parks Forum. He is also a special adviser and former founding trustee of the National Park City Foundation which inspired the Mayor of London's imminent declaration of London as the World's first National Park City.
As Director of Fujitsu-ICL Consultancy, he was responsible for the design and development of major information systems and IT projects in the private and public sectors. These included the development of the strategy for the UK Government's National Grid for Leaning and advice to the No.10 policy unit and Dept. of Education on its implementation. He was a member of the steering group for the Government's white paper " Our Competitive Future - Building the Knowledge Driven Economy". He has also advised ministers in the UK and Central Europe on industrial policy, machinery of government and public administration reform.
He established the Henley Knowledge Management Research Institute and Forum, an international research centre based at Henley Business School (now part of Reading University). The centre brings together academics and business practitioners in co-managed research and has completed numerous inter-disciplinary projects involving action research, theory development, benchmarking and good practice studies for private and public sector organisations. EC-funded research has included a study into corporate reporting on intangible assets and the exploitation of intangible assets within the UK's Machinery of Government. His advisory activities have included the development of an internal knowledge management strategy for the Department of Education and an organisational knowledge management audit of the British Nuclear Group (including Sellafield) on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. He was a member of the steering group for the RSA's Connected Community project and co-authored their report on Flexible Working.
In his role of chair of the British Computer Society's management strategy panel, he organised a number of research projects with reports covering topics such as innovation through IT, transformational outsourcing, business value from IT and the contribution of the software industry to the UK's economy. A further research project explored the opportunities for closer collaboration between business schools and professional bodies such as the BCS (Chartered Institute for IT).
He is a member of the British Standards Institute (BSI) committee for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Current research activities include societal innovation in national parks and city green spaces around the world.
PublicationsSutanto J, Truch E (2019) Smart Heritage - Greenside Lead Mine, Connected Communities Research Lab report
Truch E, Sutanto J, (2018) Smart Parks - Bringing new technologies to national parks and urban greenspaces, Connected Communities Research Lab report
Truch E (2015) Why Going Green can enhance Creativity, Marketing (Feb 2015)
Truch E (2015) Marketing’s agile nature means businesses need to find their ‘Flex Factor’, Marketing (Jan 2015)
Thompson J, Truch E (2013) The Flex Factor – Realising the value of flexible working, RSA report (London)
Truch E, Ibbott C (2009) Should the BCS develop closer links with Business Schools? - (BCS position paper)
Truch E, Day J (2007) Enhancing the Value of KM programmes within the Nuclear Industry - IAEA conference proceedings, Vienna July 2007
Manton S, Truch E et al. (2007) Refocusing Knowledge and Intellectual Property Management within the UK Nuclear Industry IAEA conference proceedings, Vienna July 2007
Truch, E. (2006) Lean Consumption and its Influence on Brand Jnl of Consumer Behaviour 5: 157-165
Truch E (2005) Can traditional technology leaders make the transition to become hybrid managers? Computing
Truch, E. (2005) Ed. Leveraging Corporate Knowledge (Gower Publishing)
Truch, E. (2004) Knowledge Orientation of Organizations, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, UK
van Winkelen, C., Truch, E. (2004) Embedding Communities in Turbulent Times. KM Review vol.7 (2) May-June 2004
Truch E., Truch A. (2002) “Collaboration in the Face of Conflict” World Economic Forum – European Economic Summit
Truch, E., Bridger, D. (2002) Importance of Strategic Fit in Knowledge Management ECIS 2002 Conference paper, Gdansk – Jun 2002
Truch E (2002) Collaboration in the face of Conflict Knowledge Management – Sep 2002
Truch E (2002) Knowledge Alignment Improves Bottom Line Knowledge Management – Jun 2002
Truch E (2002) Defining the Contract-based View of the Firm Knowledge Management – May
van Winkelen, C., Truch, E. (2002) An assessment of the Application of the Interactive Research Method using a Multi-organisation, multi-project case example. European Conference on Research Methods, Reading University
Truch E (2002) Knowledge Management Strategies and Practices Henley MBA course paper – Mar 2002
Truch E (2002) Storytelling Improves Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Management – Mar 2002
Truch E. (2002) Managing personal knowledge - the key to tomorrow's employability. Journal of Change Management
Truch E (2002) EC Examines Reporting Rules for Intangible Assets Knowledge Management – Feb 2002
Truch E (2001) Old and young dogs of the knowledge management wars Knowledge Management – Jan 2001
Truch E (2001) How close to the leading edge? Knowledge Management – Feb 2001
Truch E (2001) Knowledge sharing needs new commitments Knowledge Management – Mar 2001
Truch E. (2001). Knowledge Management: Auditing and Reporting Intellectual Capital. Journal of General Management 26(3)
Truch E (2001) Mapping advances KM journey Knowledge Management – Apr 2001
Truch E (2001) Simple rules underlie complexity Knowledge Management – May 2001
Truch E (2001) Coping with information overload Knowledge Management – Jun 2001
Truch E (2001) Trust in knowledge sharing Knowledge Management – Jul/Aug 2001
Truch E (2001) KM practitioners benefit from collaboration Knowledge Management – Sep 2001
Truch E, Ezingeard J-N, Birchall D. (2000). Developing a Relevant Research Agenda in Knowledge Management - Bridging the Gap between Knowing and Doing. Journal of Systems and Information Technology 4(2): 1-11
Conference Presentations include:
"Mobile and flexible working" Keynote presentation, Mobile Working: Freedom and Flexibility in the Workforce - Holyrood Conference, Edinburgh 2014
"Power of Constructive Compromise" TEDx Lancaster 2014
"Career Planning in Tomorrow's Global Markets": Education, Employability, Empowerment Summit - Edinburgh University 2014
"Innovation, Knowledge Management and the Intangible Economy": 4th Annual Congress of Polish Student Societies, Cambridge University, 2011
“Knowledge Management and Strategic Alignment” IAEA conference Vienna, 2007
“Project-based Knowledge Management” Keynote address at MSc in Project Management Annual Conference – UMIST, May 2003
“Leveraging Greater Value from Market Research” ASLIB conference on Mobilising Knowledge for Business Performance – London, May 2003
“Winning through Collaboration” Keynote address at Richmond Group Annual Conference – London, Oct 2003
“Collaboration in the Face of Conflict” World Economic Forum – Salzburg, Sep 2002
“Matching Knowledge Strategy to Business Objectives” 3rd European Knowledge Management Conference The Conference Board – Europe, Brussels, Oct 2001
“Recent research findings comparing private and public sector Knowledge Management strategies” Knowledge Enabled Government, IIR, London, Sep 2001
“The Big Debate - Is this the death of traditional KM consultancy?” KM 2001 Conference, London, Apr 2001
Current Teaching
Postgraduate teaching includes:
- Innovation and ICT Strategy (MSc in eBusiness and Innovation - EBIN)
- Knowledge Management Strategy (MSc in IT, Management and Organisational Change - ITMOC)
- Market Research Methods and Modelling (MSc and MBA programmes)
DBA - Doctorate in knowledge management (Henley Business School/ Brunel University)
MSc - Nuclear Reactor Engineering (Imperial College, London University)
MA - Physics (Oxford University) FRSA, FBCSInformation Systems