Lancaster trio join international collaboration celebrations

Dr Beatriz Rodriguez Garcia (left) and Alison Currie (second left) with colleagues from partner schools at the International Partnership of Business Schools celebration event
Dr Beatriz Rodriguez Garcia (left) and Alison Currie (second left) with colleagues from partner schools at the International Partnership of Business Schools celebration event

Representatives from Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) joined celebrations of an important international business schools’ partnership.

Dr Jonathan Ivy, Senior Teaching Fellow, and Dr Beatriz Rodriguez Garcia, a Teaching Fellow, both from the Marketing Department, and Alison Currie, Undergraduate Programmes Officer in LUMS, attended the International Partnership of Business Schools (IPBS) Spring Meeting, at NC State Poole College of Management, in North Carolina, USA.

IPBS brings together 12 business schools from Europe, North America and Latin America. Partners offer dual undergraduate degrees across two countries, and work together to share and develop their knowledge, skills and mutual understanding. Network members, including Lancaster, are committed to participating actively in initiatives that push students to the forefront of international business leadership.

A group of people stand together looking at the camera at the foot of two staircases

The event in North Carolina marked the start of the consortium’s 50th anniversary festivities, and included a gala dinner where delegates were able to celebrate the longstanding relationships within the IPBS network. It also featured a Thought Leadership Panel exploring emerging trends in global business education, notably the integration of AI into business curricula.

“It was an honour to represent Lancaster University Management School at such a significant event,” said Dr Garcia. “This was not just a celebration, but a forum for insightful discussions on the future trajectory of international business education, especially regarding the impact of technologies like Artificial Intelligence.”

This event set the stage for future innovations and global business education strategies.

Dr Jonathan Ivy stands at a lectern giving a speech

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