The Arts as Theory and the Arts as Methodology: Reflections on the Pros and Cons for Publishing Consumer Research

Tuesday 20 May 2025, 2:00pm to 4:00pm


MAN - Mngt School LT19 WPB002 - View Map

Open to

Postgraduates, Public, Staff


Free to attend - registration required

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Event Details

Join us for the latest CCI Methods Workshop

Professor Goulding will provide expert insights into the growing intersection of the arts and consumer research, discussing the value of arts-based theories and methodologies in understanding consumer experiences.


Christina Goulding

Birmingham Business School

Christina's research interests are two-fold. The first is consumer culture, ranging from cultural production and consumption to non-mainstream sub-cultural consumption. She is particularly interested in issues of exclusion and marginalization as well as strategies of resistance and tactics for developing resilience. She has published her research in a number of leading journals including Journal of Consumer Research along with many more.

Contact Details

Name Teresa Aldren

Directions to MAN - Mngt School LT19 WPB002

West Pavilion, LUMS