Dr Alp Arslan
International Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementResearch Overview
My research encapsulates last-mile logistics, spatial data science and e-commerce. In particular, I am interested in on-demand delivery services in which delivery resources mainly depend upon crowdsourced labour (sharing or gig economy) and whose customers are time-sensitive. Well-known examples are online meal delivery services (JustEat) and personal shopper systems (Weezy, Getir). I aim to improve both customers' and crowd labour' experiences through wisely designed platforms, algorithms, incentives, and pricing. Methodologically, I use sequential decision analytics and mixed-integer programming techniques to tackle the above organizations' underlying optimisation problems.
PhD Supervision Interests
Available for supervising PhD students willing to conduct research on optimization, on-demand logistics, and sharing economy.
INFORMS Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Personal shopper systems in last-mile logistics
Invited talk
Transportation Science Meritorious Service Award
Other distinction
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Optimisation
- Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL)
- Optimisation
- Simulation and Stochastic Modelling
- STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training