Whatever your chosen career path, you might ask "what can I do before I arrive at Lancaster University to boost my career prospects?" Well, firstly, be aware that, as a first-year student, you can apply for Spring Weeks which many financial institutions run in April of your first year of university. A little research around this subject now can be invaluable, as you would have to apply in your first month of university to secure a Spring Week place. LUMS will advise you further when you arrive, but it is very good to have this knowledge beforehand.
To apply for a first-year Spring Week, you will need a good CV. What can you do over the summer to boost your CV? Why not add technical skills via an online course in Python or similar? Volunteering is another great summer activity to add. Any work experience of any kind is going to help. When you arrive at Lancaster, we’ll teach you formal Spring Week, internship and graduate job-hunting skills but we’ll also teach you how to network and make use of LUMS' extensive alumni network, which you can find out more about it from my Hunting Guide.
We look forward to working with you!