Pentland Centre joins Manufacture 2030 partnership to boost sustainability in manufacturing


05 October 2017

Lancaster’s Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business and 2degrees are excited to announce their new partnership. 

The Pentland Centre joins Manufacture 2030 to help boost the impact of research on sustainability in manufacturing.

This new partnership connects more businesses with the Pentland Centre’s research and creates additional opportunities for practitioners and academics to engage in in-depth dialogue. Making science more accessible and understandable for leaders in business enables the Centre to provide the most progressive companies with greater knowledge of potential risks and opportunities. And, with knowledge flowing both ways, insight from businesses using the platform helps inform academics of emerging trends.  Citing experiences from Manufacture 2030 in the Pentland Centre’s teaching may help to equip future business leaders and industrialists with practical examples of the circular economy and innovation as well as complexities in implementation.

Professor Gail Whiteman, Director of the Pentland Centre, said: “It’s essential that we connect the best minds in science to the best minds in business in order to scale up solutions for sustainability.  We are delighted to collaborate with 2degrees and the Manufacture2030 initiative – it’s a tangible way for academics to have meaningful impact.”

Martin Chilcott, CEO of 2degrees, said: “Sustaining current rates of consumption into 2030 and beyond, with diminishing natural resources, will require transformational changes in our production processes and economic systems. This shift from a linear to a circular economy will only be possible through collaboration across all sectors and disciplines. We are excited to be playing a part by bringing together some of the leading researchers and practitioners in sustainable manufacturing and look forward to working closely with Gail and her team.”  

Manufacture 2030 is the global digital platform that brings together businesses, brands and their manufacturing suppliers, creating opportunities for closer collaboration, both in the supply chain and across industries. Manufacture 2030 will help businesses to cut their costs, reduce risk, minimise environmental and social impacts, and develop new ways of working together, for the first time at scale.

The Pentland Centre is a world-class hub for transdisciplinary research on sustainability, founded by a grant from the Rubin Foundation Charitable Trust – a Foundation run by the owners of Pentland Group plc. Its research explores macro trends, particularly in environmental sustainability, ethical trade, human rights and how enterprise can be a force for good; linking the best minds in science with the best minds in business.