Successful NATCOR Forecasting course

12 September 2016

LCF has introduced a new two-and-a-half day course on Forecasting and Predictive Analytics, as part of the National Taught Course Centre in Operational Research (NATCOR) for first and second-year PhD students.

The course took place from 12th to 14th of September 2016 and attracted over 40 participants from a wide range of universities. The LCF team delivered sessions on time series decomposition, exponential smoothing, ARIMA modelling, regression analysis, data mining and predictive analytics. Our guest speaker, Steve Finlay (Head of analytics at HML), gave a presentation on Predictive Analytics in Practice, which was then followed by a round table with Steve, John Boylan, Sven Crone and Nicos Pavlidis as discussants.

Although the course was brief and contained a substantial amount of materials, the students enjoyed it and gave positive feedback on the delivery of the course. Encouraged by this response, LCF will be recommending that this should become a whole-week course and a regular feature of the NATCOR programme.