LUMS teams up to boost innovation in Cumbria

07 June 2017
07 June 2017
As part of a new £4.1m project, Lancaster University is collaborating with University of Cumbria to boost innovation in Cumbria.
A new £4.1 million business support project will help Cumbria businesses grow by accelerating the research and development of new products and services.
Lancaster University and the University of Cumbria are launching the ‘Cumbria Innovations Platform,’ which will signpost and deliver technical and management expertise to assist in the commercialisation of new ideas to the county’s small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
This project is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, and creates an entirely new research and innovation gateway. The diverse range of expertise available through the project means this opportunity is open to businesses from any sector.
As part of this project, LUMS has launched a new six month Innovation Development Programme for Cumbrian SMEs. This programme aims to create a supportive environment for peer-networking; where business leaders can generate new ideas, explore and test opportunities, challenge each other, and learn the tools and knowledge needed to accelerate their innovative business idea.
Programme Delivery Manager, Helen Wilkinson said “Change is accelerating at an ever increasing pace and for business this means exciting new opportunities and markets to explore. For Cumbria businesses, this is a chance to evaluate new opportunities through workshops, business tools and a trusted peer network. Over six months, businesses will access our expertise and support on their journey to developing tangible and innovative business ideas.”
The University of Cumbria offers a complimentary programme of workshops exploring different elements of the innovation cycle, including innovation infrastructure, ideas generation, market analysis and opportunities, concept development, product development, commercialisation, and funding, IP and barriers. For businesses who want to test or develop ideas for a new product or service, the project provides access to a range of cutting-edge science and technology equipment worth over £45 million, and bespoke consultancy to help each business progress their ideas. A technical team from Lancaster’s School of Computing and Communications will also be able to utilise business data to explore new digital product concepts and monetise underused company assets and knowledge.
The project will launch on 14th June at Rheged where Cumbria businesses are invited to find out what’s on offer, start to think about innovation, and hear from other SMEs who have received similar support from universities. Places at the event can be booked by visiting:
Interested businesses can find out more by emailing, by calling 01524 510728, or by visiting