Fifty Four Degrees

The LUMS School magazine draws upon the vast expertise within our leading faculty to showcase our cutting-edge knowledge and highlight our research impact. 

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Explore the latest Management School research in the new issue of Fifty Four Degrees

Take a deep dive into a changing world, as our Lancaster University Management School experts explain the work they do – often with businesses – to explore the ever-evolving nature of technology.

Journey from the Backrooms of the cyber world to asteroids in outer space, as we investigate everything from the effects of Artificial Intelligence on leadership and our own thoughts, to changes in hybrid working. We even delve into natural disaster response, and how programmes and models developed here in Lancaster can help those affected, and look at hybrid working and how technology can help breed a supportive culture.

Fifty Four Degrees Issue 22
  • Issue 21

    Researchers from across Lancaster University have been working with industrial partners from around the North West on the Plastic Packaging in People’s Lives (PPiPL) project. In this edition, marketing and supply chain experts, local council and retail partners, scientists and the project leaders present their findings on consumer attitudes and behaviours around plastic packaging and recycling, and their hopes for the future.

  • Issue 20

    Take to the skies for an insight into the practical and impactful research taking place across Lancaster University Management School.   Explore how members of our Centre for Transport and Logistics have been working with air traffic control networks and other key players in the flight industry to look at ways of tackling airport congestion; and go into England’s National Health Service to see how they can bring more innovation into their operations.

  • Issue 19

    Our researchers bring new perspectives to familiar topics. In this issue, we contemplate an Artificial Intelligence future for our roads, discover how comparisons between sustainability fairy tales can lead to better understanding, and discuss how businesses can use cyber security to innovate their operation. Plus, leadership alternatives, the disability insecurity gap, planning a better future for refugees, and much more. 

  • Issue 18

    What do we mean when we say ‘sustainability’? In this edition of Fifty Four Degrees, we show how broad the definition can be by investigating issues including modern slavery, sustainable accounting, and the links between religion and green business behaviours.  We also look at the world of online witchcraft, explore the scale of problem gambling in the UK, discuss imposter syndrome, and look closely at the cyber challenges facing small businesses.

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If you would like to contribute to a future issue, or be interviewed for a featured article, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact Paul Turner for more information.