Executive MBA Information Session

Thursday 20 March 2025, 8:00am to 9:00am


Online (Zoom)

Open to

Alumni, External Organisations, Postgraduates, Prospective International Students, Prospective Postgraduate Students, Staff


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

Please resgister on Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/executive-mba-information-session-tickets-1223462060959?aff=oddtdtcreator

Event Details

Join this webinar to find out more about the Executive MBA (EMBA) programme at Lancaster University Management School. The EMBA is designed for busy professionals who want to learn while working.

Our Executive MBA has a rich, thirty-year history of transforming ambitious managers into responsible leaders. Register to find out more.

About LUMS🏛️

Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) is a place of cutting edge knowledge, where academically-leading research is applied to the real world. It is also a place for collaboration and creativity, where ideas are exchanged, talent is nurtured, and bright futures begin.

Our new and improved Executive MBA🚀

👉 Following the redevelopment of our Executive MBA, we're delighted to be re-launching our new and improved international programme in September 2025.

👉 Our new Executive MBA programme has been designed to fit around full-time work, where we will use online teaching to discuss and unpack pressing organisational challenges.

👉 At the heart of the programme is the concept of good growth, whereby the positive growth of a business is directly aligned with positive social and environmental value creation. If the business does well then so does the community and the planet. The world is changing rapidly, and growth at any cost is no longer an acceptable or future-proof option.

👉 In our ever-changing and uncertain world, the online International Executive MBA is seeking to challenge you - a leader of tomorrow - to consider how you can act as a responsible and adaptable leader.

Join us 👋

In this session we'll be exploring this exciting and transformative journey whilst discussing some of the programme's key details, including content, scholarships, course fees and the application process.

Contact Details

Name Lancaster University Management School


