About my degree: PhD Management Science
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Hi, my name is Yiyi. I am currently a Lecturer in Operations Management and Information Systems at Lancaster University. I chose the Department of Management Science at Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) to undertake my doctoral studies due to its reputation as a research-intensive department and the shared research interests between myself and the faculty. I was delighted to be accepted into the programme and to be awarded the LUMS Doctoral Scholarship.
LUMS provides a wide range of support for PhD students, from the teacher training sessions to guidance on good research practices and ethics. This support has been essential to my development as an academic and as an independent researcher. I enrolled in modules that helped build my research and teaching skills, as well as additional workshops organised by the Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI). I also had access to useful resources and infrastructure including sharing a PhD office with colleagues in my cohort, access to various research software and tools, and opportunities to attend departmental research seminars delivered by prestigious scholars from all over the world. Through completing the Supporting Learning Programme, I received recognition as an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). As a Graduate Teaching Assistant, I had the opportunity to teach various subjects in my field, which further strengthened my teaching skills. Moreover, I have been awarded LUMS conference grants to present my research at international conferences and symposiums, which has largely enriched my PhD life.
My doctoral research examines the impact of multi-level buyer-supplier relationships on supply chain risk management. This project seeks to better understand how organisations can deal with inevitable supply chain risks and ultimately build supply chain resilience from the perspective of multi-level relationships. My research interests include supply chain resilience, multi-level supply chain relationships, sustainable supply chain management, humanitarian logistics, and operations-finance interface.
My supervisor Professor Mark Stevenson provided me with invaluable support at every step of the way. Our regular meetings facilitated critical reflections and evaluations of my progress, enabling me to proceed through each stage of my research effectively. My supervisor also helped me to identify the training and development I needed to conduct academic research. Receiving outstanding supervision motivated me to deliver quality in research, and therefore, I have managed to publish papers in peer-reviewed academic journals during my time at Lancaster.
The PhD journey helped me explore the possibilities of personal and professional development in academia. Through my PhD training, I was taught to be independent and to develop the ideal combination of skills necessary for a career in academia. Being able to work with experienced and motivated researchers has been critical for the completion of my PhD by Publication in Management Science. I am delighted to join this great faculty and to be part of the international community.
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