Jessica Crook

Country of origin: United Kingdom

Placement: Lloyds Banking Group

Jessica completed a year-long placement with Lloyds Banking Group in Bristol.

My team was responsible for the analysis of customer and product level data across multiple channels. We provided research and insights that formed lead creation, direct marketing and one-to-one campaigns. We were responsible for managing all personalised interactions with our customers across branch, telephony and digital banking. This included deepening our understanding of customer behaviour through data analysis, harnessing this knowledge to help predict future behaviour/customer requirements and identifying future customer interaction opportunities through analysis of trends/results.

With regards to my day to day role, I worked towards a three-month internal marketing campaign of a new piece of software. The technology allows our stakeholders to self-serve customer- and product-level data, as opposed to using more complex hard-coding techniques. As part of this marketing plan I created user guides, using internal communications and carrying out workshops/demo sessions in order to increase usage of the software product.

One of the highlights of my placement was the opportunity to attend a three-day Forrester Research Conference in London where I was exposed to the world of customer experience.

The conference allowed for a great deal of self-development, as it increased my wider business awareness and encouraged me to think outside of my day-to-day role. It also helped me with the formation of my dissertation, showing how the company fully supports my need to collect research. Finally it was extremely beneficial with regards to networking and building up contacts within the industry.

Aside from my day-job, the staff at LBG are extremely friendly and made my placement an enjoyable experience. Over the twelve months I helped organise and attended multiple team-bonding and charity events, reflecting how social Customer Insights are. Events such as the Christmas Party and the Summer Ball are sure to stick out in my memory far after I leave.