Hongyan Li
Country Of Origin: China
Degree: MSc International Business, 2013
International Cooperation Specialist, China Development Bank
Before coming to Lancaster, Hongyan had already acquired six years experience working in international cooperation for China Development Bank, whom she returned to on finishing her degree.
LUMS is renowned for its research and study capability among business schools in Britain. The admissions office was very supportive and kind during my application process. I was awarded a Chevening Scholarship from the British government and also received a discount on tuition fees from LUMS. More importantly, the International Business & Strategy MSc programme really matched my demands in terms of future career plans.
The banking-related modules interested me the most, due to my banking background. Also, the International Business module taught me much more than just trade and business – it gave me a new way of thinking on current issues in international politics and economics. The World Economic Forum simulation enriched the whole programme by enabling me to think and negotiating with friends from all parts of the world. It is a very good memory from my study in Lancaster.
My current job is banking in international cooperation business. My study at LUMS has not only enriched my professional knowledge in many aspects, but has also guided the way I think, plan and engage in my work.
I found that the LUMS Careers team often organised different events for students from all kinds of backgrounds and even opportunities in China, and as a Chinese national I am very glad to see this happening in LUMS.